Man Arranged Wife's Rape On Craigslist

Man Arranged Wife' S Rape Craigslist - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 9th Jun, 2009 - 4:03pm

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4th Jun, 2009 - 2:43am / Post ID: #

Man Arranged Wife's Rape On Craigslist

Believe it or not, but a man looked for a man on Craiglist to rape his own wife. Of course, the wife did not have a clue about the whole thing. Unfortunately, this person raped the woman and the husband was also in the same room. Her kids were also in the house but were not aware of what was happening.

KANNAPOLIS, North Carolina -  A man used the online advertising service Craigslist to enlist another man to rape his wife in the couple's home, police said Wednesday.

The 25-year-old Kannapolis man faces first-degree rape and other charges. The Associated Press is not naming him to avoid identifying his wife, a victim of sexual assault.

His wife called police early Sunday morning and said a man with a knife raped her in the bedroom of their home in Kannapolis, about 25 miles northeast of Charlotte, authorities said. Her husband was in the room, police said. Their two young children were also home, but were unaware of what was happening, authorities said.

The husband sought someone in the ads to come to his home and have sex with his wife using "scare tactics," police said. It was without her knowledge or consent, police said.

Authorities are still investigating the identity of the man who attacked the woman and it wasn't known if the husband paid him to do it. The woman was not seriously injured, but was treated at a hospital and released.

Investigators turned their suspicions to the husband after his statement didn't add up and because there were no signs the attacker broke into the home. The husband was jailed Wednesday on $200,000 bond...

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

9th Jun, 2009 - 3:33pm / Post ID: #

Craigslist Rape Wifes Arranged Man

I just heard about this the other day... Unbelievable.
What makes this especially weird for me is that my folks used to live in Kannapolis... It's a little tiny mill town... Quiet... Not somewhere you'd expect to hear of this happening!

International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 0 ActivistPoliticianPolitics 101 0%

Post Date: 9th Jun, 2009 - 4:03pm / Post ID: #

Man Arranged Wife's Rape On Craigslist
A Friend

Man Arranged Wife's Rape On Craigslist History & Civil Business Politics

It is the society that we are living in today that these people are coming out of the wood work. It seems there is no ends that someone will go to get their own jollies. The heck with who it might injure as long as I get my jollies. We need a better society to live in.

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