A Possible Date?

A Date - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 25th Mar, 2011 - 3:30am

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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LDS Dates
Post Date: 28th Jun, 2009 - 3:35am / Post ID: #

A Possible Date?

A Possible Date?

Consider the following profile. Is this someone you will like to date towards a lasting relationship?

LDS Dates

Nickname: Julie

Gender: Female

Status: Single

Religion: LDS

Years a member: All my life

Served a mission: No

Calling: Visiting teacher

Edcation: Some college

Career: Student

Hobbies: Crafts, art, music, movies and time with my friends / family.

What are you looking for? Good LDS priesthood holder who served a mission. I want to have many children like 6 or 7 at least so he will need to be gainfully employed to raise our family. I'm not looking for someone rich and I know we will have to make sacrifices but at least I want to know that we do nothave to struggle so much in raising our family. I've dated a few guys in the past bu they just don't know hat they want in life so I want someone who knows what he wants, is that you?

NOTE: The above is a character of fiction. It may or may not resemble someone in real life, but it is not meant to. The description above is meant as a prelude to the "what if" question asked.

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Post Date: 25th Mar, 2011 - 3:30am / Post ID: #

Date A

Name: Countmein

Comments: What a cool profile. I wonder if you are in my area because you described yourself as just the kind of person I'm looking for. I wonder if you are still even single, with my luck you are married by now.

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