
Netflix - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 24th Jun, 2010 - 5:16am

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2nd Jul, 2009 - 6:19am / Post ID: #


I like Netflix. They have a huge selection, service has been prompt, they always send the correct DVD that was requested, and the few times I've had defective disks they promptly send me a new one. I even had one that I had sent back to them that apparently was lost in the mail -- they took my word for it and sent my next DVD right away. A couple of weeks later, they received it.

Two thumbs up :)

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20th Nov, 2009 - 6:57am / Post ID: #


I have Netflix, it has A LOT of movies, I really like the "Instant Viewing" section, this lets you watch hundreds of movies and TV shows on your computer, and if you buy the Roku box, you can watch as many movies on your TV set as you want for as little as $9 a month.

Post Date: 16th Jun, 2010 - 4:44pm / Post ID: #

Netflix Sports & Fashion Music Movies

Name: Tipper

Comments: I read where a guy named Dan came up with a way you can have up to 24 rentals per month with Netflix. has anyone tried that method?

16th Jun, 2010 - 6:51pm / Post ID: #


I can't comment on that situation, since I don't know what your talking about. You can have 1-8 DVD's out at one time, so it could be possible to have 24 movies rented in one month. One thing you could try, if you wanted to, if your mail comes early, watch the movie, as soon as it comes, drive to the local Post Office, drop the movie in the box, before the mail comes for the last time of the day, then, if you have a Netflix shipping center near you (like I do), you could have your next movie the next day.

16th Jun, 2010 - 9:39pm / Post ID: #


In the US you have these neat commercial facilities like Netflix. Something like that could never survive here where the postal system is very in effective. Then there is the situation of honesty and collecting late fees. How do they go about sorting delinquents on NetFlix?

18th Jun, 2010 - 4:41am / Post ID: #


They don't have late fees, JB. That's a big part of the beauty of it! I actually had a movie for 3 months - yes, the same movie. They just kept charging me my monthly fee. So, yes, I guess you could consider that a late fee since it ended up costing me over $30 to watch that one movie. But for $9.78 a month, I can have as many movies as I want. Just not all at the same time. I have the "one at a time" plan. As soon as I send a movie back, they send me the next one in my queue. Usually within 24 - 48 hours. I love Netflix.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
24th Jun, 2010 - 1:23am / Post ID: #


Attached Image QUOTE (FarSeer)
They don't have late fees, JB. [..] I actually had a movie for 3 months - yes, the same movie. They just kept charging me my monthly fee.

However if you have that movie it gives them the right to keep charging you not so? In essence that is their 'late fee'?

24th Jun, 2010 - 5:16am / Post ID: #

Netflix Movies Music Fashion & Sports

Attached Image QUOTE (FarSeer)
So, yes, I guess you could consider that a late fee since it ended up costing me over $30 to watch that one movie.

Exactly. Just because I don't return a movie doesn't mean I canceled my subscription. They can keep charging me until I tell them to stop.

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