Murder of Penny Scaggs
What do you think about the murder of Penny Scaggs? She was trying her best to be the perfect wife for her husband Roger Scaggs. Mean time Roger Scaggs was having an affair with Vanessa Furgeson, a worker at the the firm Roger Scaggs attended daily. Penny Scaggs at one time had gone on a Christian retreat where she bought sex improvement books to improve, maybe Roger Scaggs was complaining or she knew about his affair and wanted to 'win' him back?
Penny Scaggs was murdered in her home. She seemed to be hit from behind and the home ransacked to look as though it were a robbery. The key note of everyone just after the murder is the Roger Scaggs showed no emotion about the murder of his wife.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
For me, the most damaging evidence is what the police found at the dumpster behind the building where Roger worked. There were gloves with blood from Penny AND fingertip from her husband!
I don't know how he can say his marriage was not in trouble because he had an affair. rolleyes
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Name: Gin
Comments: There were two separate weapons, and prints not accounted for. Has no one consider more than one person may have been involved. The only thing that had prints on it were gloves that Roger has admitted he used to clean plane. Not that he still could not have done it, but who helped him?
Penny Scaggs Murder Case
2nd Aug, 2012 - 5:25pm
Name: Maria
Title: Murder of Penny Scaggs
Comments: What do I think of the murder of Penny Scaggs? I think a horrible thing happened to a good woman. I mean ....this was a GOOD woman! I have read the book \"The Good Wife\" and Penny haunts me. I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that such a good Christian woman died in such a violent way. I find it heartbreaking and mind boggling.
If there were two people involved, are we talking Roger and the woman he was having an affair with Or someone else?! What a pig of a man. Probably made out Penny got herself killed. If I were the woman he was having an affair with (And had nothing to do with the murder), I'd be running for the hills!
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 7 0.7%