JB's Custom Play House 2

Jb' S Custom Play House 2 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 8th Jul, 2009 - 11:36pm

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7th Jul, 2009 - 4:50pm / Post ID: #

JB's Custom Play House 2

JB's Custom Play House 2

This is Felipe's Play House. I did not have a chance to varnish the whole of it but the photograph does not show the guts. I will try to explain via the key below. It is about 5' x 5' and 8' at the tallest point.


1. Cloth roof to give that tent effect.

2. This is an upper level where he can place books to read.

3. This is the place where he can sit or rest and read. You cannot see it from here but there is a ladder on the other side to enable him to reach the top.

4. The inner section has a whiteboard and place to keep his art and paints.

5. He has his own door to keep Jonah out. Jonah is always trying to 'break-in'.

6. You can see it from here but that section is actually a desk on the inside. He has a chair and everything built-in.

7. You can see the bottom of his stool there.

8. That poster is for the Jonah to help him learn words.

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Post Date: 7th Jul, 2009 - 6:10pm / Post ID: #

JB's Custom Play House 2
A Friend

House Play Custom JBs

Looks as if you like to spend a lot of time building nice things for you family. I think this is a wonderful thing to do. Looks like he will have a lot of fun in it.

7th Jul, 2009 - 9:40pm / Post ID: #

JB's Custom Play House 2 Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I do try to make them happy, no easy task but it brings maybe five minutes of freedom when he actually uses it. We have a hard time sometimes trying to convince him that he is too big for Jonah's and should utilize the more studious parts of his house.

8th Jul, 2009 - 6:09pm / Post ID: #

House Play Custom JBs

I saw you put this as number 2 so I looked at the first one and I think I like the first one more than this even though it has a lot of features to it. I used to love slides when I was younger, shhh still do!

Post Date: 8th Jul, 2009 - 6:19pm / Post ID: #

JB's Custom Play House 2
A Friend

House Play Custom JBs

Some times it is hard for a child to learn that he or she has grown and can no longer do or fit in some of the things they loved to do before. I can understand how Felipe may feel when he still thinks he is small and can play in Jonah's place. I am sure that he will get more used to that as time goes on that he has his own place to go at times.

8th Jul, 2009 - 11:32pm / Post ID: #

JB's Custom Play House 2

Ah, I didn't realize that you built 2! Gosh, you have been busy!
I guess Felipe feels all grown up with his, it's great that he has his own.
They are certainly lucky, loved boys!

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8th Jul, 2009 - 11:36pm / Post ID: #

JB's Custom Play House 2

Well he insisted that his must be bigger and go up to the top (he still thinks like a fiver year old). I said no slide to which he was able to deal with so his does have the more 'mature' features but as I mentioned, this does not stop him from still going over to Jonah and Seth's Play House.

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