What Doesn't Kill You

What Doesn' T Kill You - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 10th Jul, 2009 - 4:15am

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Post Date: 10th Jul, 2009 - 12:21am / Post ID: #

What Doesn't Kill You

What Doesn't Kill You

WHat is your review for the movie "What Doesn't Kill You" directed by Brian Goodman and starring Mark Ruffalo, Ethan Hawke, and Amanda Peet?

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10th Jul, 2009 - 4:15am / Post ID: #

You Kill Doesnt What

This is based on a true story. It is about the importance of choice and what really means more in life. Anyone on the wrong road and trying to find the right road may get some strength out of this movie. It starts with two brothers who at a young age are involved in crime in order to survive on the streets. One matures and the other continues as he always has. Amanda Peet looked thinner than she did on TV but her performance was good as the naive wife who stands faithfully by her husband despite his many failures.

Rate: 1 :starblue:

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