If someone gets very obese from eating too much which I think is not good even though its not specifically said in the word of wisdom. If that person dies how can you say the Lord took them? I mean the person ate so much that their heart stop working and that is suicide. Its a slow suicide. I also believe its a suicide that you know is going to happen because we have enough information to know what to eat and to watch our diet, etc. This is not to offend anyone that eats a lot but have you thought about that?
you know I think you have a point I think members of the church here in america eat way too much sometimes I'm surprised at how obese they have become and continue eating...I mean they need help and not physical only you know what am I saying? they need a psychologist because someone that reaches the stage of obesity have serious mental issues.
Its the god awful truth that you should be ashamed of yourself to say you don't drink or smoke but eat like a pig and expect the Lord to bless you to run and not be weary and walk and not faint. You can try and change it around to make it sound good but its as simple as that.
Makes you think about all the people that died just because they didn't follow the Word of Wisdom. They could still be here but gave into their stomachs. Sometimes I wish I could approach some of the people in my class and tell them about it but its a very sensitive issue.
If someone over eats to that extend then they're not taking care of the bodies that Heavenly Father gave them it's an insult to the gift that was given. |
Makes you think about all the people that died just because they didn't follow the Word of Wisdom. They could still be here but gave into their stomachs. |
Its the god awful truth that you should be ashamed of yourself to say you don't drink or smoke but eat like a pig and expect the Lord to bless you to run and not be weary and walk and not faint. |
Persephone: Please look at how we use the Quote Tags here. When you do not use these tags source material that is not your own may appear to be yours when it is not. See our Constructive Posting Policy. |
I'm dealing with the first message and not all the opinions after. Personally I think we are here for a certain time. We lengthen or shorten that time by the choices we make. For instance suicide is a choice of ending our time before the Lord wants us to. Using over eating or even undereating like anorexia could lead to a shortened lifespan. Is the Lord happy with that, I'm pretty sure he isn't. Is it a slow suicide, technically yes. When people smoke or drink it is technically a slow suicide as we are poisoning our body. In some cases the person is aware of what they are doing but do it anyway and in other cases they may have a medical condition be it physical or mental. I do not think anyone sits and hopes to eat til they are dead, but I do know that a lot of times it surrounds depression and lack of esteem about self and maybe an array of issues.