multiple mortal probation
Name: Cynthia
Comments: Can anyone give me information about multiple mortal probation?
"Multiple Mortal Probations" is a corollary of the Adam-God doctrine as taught by Brigham Young and many others in the 19th Century. I believe that this subject has a thread of its own in the Mature LDS boards.
The LDS church does not teach this doctrine. President Kimball stated that the Adam-God doctrine is false. You have to make your own decisions about it from there. Personally, I believe in the Adam-God doctrine, but am not at all sure about the concept of multiple mortal probations.
By the way, it is far, FAR different from the concept of reincarnation.
Name: Nick
Comments: I'll tell you what this [..] means. It means that esoteric eastern mysticism garbage has crept in among the Saints.
It's among us in a much bigger way than you realize and IS the Mystery of Iniquity spoken of in Revelations, getting over on us.
To believe this garbage, will spell the absolute downfall of those saints described in 2 Thessalonians who will be duped by this very doctrine of evil for NOT knowing the True Doctrines.
The son of perdition posing as God in God's Temple will not be some Catholic Priest! Wake Up!
This is one of those things you better do some real research and prayer on before this big party goes down!
This is what is going to cause the separation of the Righteous from among the wicked in the Lord's Church, soon coming to the theater nearest you on world wide TV... 2012 Spring Conference.