Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Still under 'Potter' spell
Eight years ago, Francis Parker School math teacher Mary Brown took her squirmy bunch of sixth-graders to the premiere of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," the first movie of the wildly popular series. Yesterday she took many of the same students to the same UltraStar Cinemas at Hazard Center to see the opening of the sixth Harry Potter film, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." Ref. Source 1
After sitting in that theater seat for nearly three hours, to get an ending like the one that is in this book is infuriating. My wife and I both looked at each other and said "that's it? That is the ending?". It reminded me of when I first saw The Lord of the Rings first episode of the trilogy. I do not mind it if there is a trilogy or 6 parts or more, but each story within the book should be able to stand on its own. That is what I really liked about the Star Wars movies. Each of them could stand on its own, but they also dovetailed well into the series.
Unless you're really interested in Harry Potter these movies will be very boring for you. I'm more or less indifferent about the whole thing.
I have no problems with the first couple of movies. They had a story, completed it and was entertaining. My problem with this one is the feeling that in nearly three hours I saw a beginning and a middle...but NO ENDING! I know it is a series! But again, each movie should stand on its own and in my opinion this one doesnt.