Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 10th Sep, 2010 - 10:28pm

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Kim Kardashian Comments
29th Jul, 2009 - 11:47am / Post ID: #

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

The brunette version of Paris Hilton broke with her NFL star boyfriend but not very long ago she was expressing her desire to have six children, like she is part of.

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Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush appeared to have a fairytale relationship -- but in Hollywood, there often isn't a happily ever after. Fans were shocked by the announcement on Monday that the two had amicably split, although according to a source close to the pair it wasn't such a surprise.

"It's been rocky for a little while now," said our insider. "They both have contracts on separate sides of the country and it was too much. They used to see each other every couple of weeks, but Kim's brand is much bigger than it was last season."

But it wasn't too long ago that the Queen of Curves had already started planning a flourishing family and future with the NFL star....

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Post Date: 29th Jul, 2009 - 6:10pm / Post ID: #

Kim Kardashian
A Friend

Kardashian Kim

I hope that she gets what she wants but I think she first needs to be able to stay in a relationship longer. I hope the two of them peacefully go their separate ways.

Post Date: 31st Mar, 2010 - 12:04am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Kim Kardashian Sports & Fashion Music Movies

Kardashian dumped over sex tape

Kim Kardashian was dumped by Reggie Bush because of her sex tape. Ref. Source 3

5th May, 2010 - 4:46pm / Post ID: #

Kardashian Kim

This girl makes the headlines every five minutes. You start wondering whether her stories are real or not:

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The ex-husband of Kim Kardashian apparently has a bone to pick following the leak of his divorce papers from the reality starlet, in which Kim alleged he violently abused her and treated her like a servant. Now, Damon Thomas -- who married Kim when she was just 19 and long before she shot to stardom -- is telling his side of the story exclusively to In Touch Weekly, and he says Kim's allegations are "absolutely not true," going on to call her a "fame-whore" who cheated on him with "multiple guys." Ouch! His words, after the jump!

Thomas, a music producer who has worked with huge acts like Lionel Ritchie and Pink, says that he never beat Kim, and that she only accused him of such actions in order to bilk him of "a lot of money." He notes that Kim never filed a restraining order against him, which he suggests someone would do if their significant other was abusive.

According to the divorce documents, which were first published in Britain's Daily Mail, Kardashian was 19 at the time she and Thomas, then 29, tied the knot in January 2000. Kardashian's states in the divorce papers that soon after their nuptials, the abuse began.

"Damon first hit me a few months after we were married," she says in the statement, going on to describe several instances of alleged abuse in detail. "One incident occurred on the day that Damon and I were going skydiving with Justin Timberlake," Kardashian says. "Before we left home, Damon hit me in the face and cut my lip open. I fell into the bed frame and banged my knee hard...

Post Date: 5th May, 2010 - 10:36pm / Post ID: #

Kim Kardashian
A Friend

Kardashian Kim

With no reports to the police or any restraining orders filed I think I would have to believe the x husband. I believe she is just trying to keep her name in the headlines.

Post Date: 25th Jun, 2010 - 12:49am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian's new man

Kim Kardashian is dating another American football player. Ref. Source 5

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10th Sep, 2010 - 5:48pm / Post ID: #

Kim Kardashian

Fox News is announcing that PlayBoy is publishing 25 new photos of Kim Kardashian in her Birthday suit and Kim does not like it. Two things were commented on:

1. Playboy is so desperate that they look for back photos?
2. Kim is so 'shy' about all this after doing leap frog sex tapes, etc.?

Kim may be suing because she was not as popular back then and she thinks PlayBoy is acting on her current status but does she have a legal issue?

Post Date: 10th Sep, 2010 - 10:28pm / Post ID: #

Kim Kardashian
A Friend

Kim Kardashian Movies Music Fashion & Sports

I believe that Playboy has all their models sign a release form to allow them to use the photos they take as they see fit. I know many stars in the past have tried unsuccessfully to stop Playboy from posting picture of them in their magazine after the became more famous. I doubt very much that Kim is going to have any luck on stopping hers from being published.

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