Boy Takes Car, Goes On Joyride To Skip Church

Boy Takes Car Joyride Skip Church - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 1st Aug, 2009 - 4:23pm

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30th Jul, 2009 - 11:16pm / Post ID: #

Boy Takes Car, Goes On Joyride To Skip Church

I am glad to see nobody got injured and looking at the video, he drives very good for a 7 years old child!

PLAIN CITY, Utah - A 7-year-old Plain City boy took unprecedented measures Sunday to avoid going to church. The boy was spotted Sunday morning behind the wheel of a white Dodge Intrepid. Authorities were called after the boy ran a stop sign and nearly hit another motorist. Weber County Sheriffs deputies caught up to the Intrepid on 4700 West and attempted to block it, but the 7-year-old driver turned down another street.

"Another deputy from the other direction pulled into the intersection and stopped to block the intersection, turned on his lights," said Cpt. Klint Anderson of the Weber County Sheriff's Office. "Instead of stopping the car, this white Intrepid turned down another street."

Deputies say the boy pulled into Fremont High School, where he drove around the parking lot a bit before getting back onto 4700 West. The boy finally drove home, parked in the driveway and ran inside to hide. The boy's father approached his son at home and asked him what happened. The boy admitted that he stole the car for a joy ride....

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31st Jul, 2009 - 11:51am / Post ID: #

Church Skip Joyride On Car Takes Boy

He almost sounds like a brat I know in my neighborhood. I hope I don't have to deal with a kid like that ever!

Post Date: 31st Jul, 2009 - 2:38pm / Post ID: #

Boy Takes Car, Goes On Joyride To Skip Church
A Friend

Boy Takes Car, Goes On Joyride To Skip Church Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I hope that they tell this boy that he can not get a license now till he turns 18. HE has to have some punishment for doing this besides from his parents. Think of the cars and the innocent people he put into danger.

1st Aug, 2009 - 3:23am / Post ID: #

Church Skip Joyride On Car Takes Boy

Did you know his punishment for this act by his parents was no internet and games for FOUR days? What? If that were a kid locally he might not see daylight for months. With punishment like that you can see why the child was so brazen.

Post Date: 1st Aug, 2009 - 3:18pm / Post ID: #

Boy Takes Car, Goes On Joyride To Skip Church
A Friend

Church Skip Joyride On Car Takes Boy

I watched a interview they had with this child on Fox news. He was rather proud of the fact and it seems he will do this again as he has not suffered for doing this dangerous criminal act. I know my child would not get off so lightly if they did something like this. This child with his parents is going to be a hoodlum.

1st Aug, 2009 - 3:22pm / Post ID: #

Boy Takes Car, Goes On Joyride To Skip Church

Hmmm looking at the video on how he drives and the "punishment" given I have the impression this is NOT the first time he took that car for a drive...I could almost bet one of his parents "taught" him how to.

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Post Date: 1st Aug, 2009 - 3:50pm / Post ID: #

Boy Takes Car, Goes On Joyride To Skip Church
A Friend

Boy Takes Car On Joyride Skip Church

I know that at the age of 12 I was driving a tractor from one filed to another. I was on gravel roads mostly. I do not think that a seven year old should be driving at all. Especially running from the police. When asked if he knew they (the police) were chasing him he said yes. SO he does know that what he did was wrong. But he go by with it with a small slap on his hands. I can see prison time for this kid as he gets older.

1st Aug, 2009 - 4:23pm / Post ID: #

Boy Takes Car On Joyride Skip Church Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

Wow if I did that I would have so many things banned from me I would feel like I was in prison. I think you're right though he's obviously driven many times before. How did he even reach the pedals?

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