How To Chmod / Change / Set File Permissions
For clients that may be interested in knowing how to change file permissions here some important info:
First, you will only need to know this in a Unix environment. Changing file permissions lets the server know what a file allows the host or guest do with it. For instance whether to just view it, not view it, or even write to it.
Second, these instructions assume you already know how to gain FTP access to your server and you know where the files are that you need to change permission on. This is not an official or absolute guide. You are responsible to ensure that you read the instruction manual of your actual FTP program as each one varies. Additionally, you will need to read the instruction files of the scripts you are installing as to which files you will need to change permissions.
As a general rule you put your mouse pointer over 'x' file, right click and look for something that says "chmod", "change ownership" or "file properties" or something similar. Then you will see an option to enter numbers. Usually the number you enter is based on what the file needs to do, for instance "666", "777", "755", and so forth.
If a file needs to be write enabled then it is usually set to "666".
If a folder needs to write files under it then it is usually set to "777"
Again, it is important to follow the instructions of the script author so only the minimum files are write enable as there are security issues here.