What is the nicest thing someone did for you?. I have several things in mind, one it's how much care and love my grandmother and my two uncles gave to me and my sister when we didn't have any family but them. They raised us and gave us everything we needed.
What about you? :)
I would have to go with what LDS_forever was mentioning.
Without getting into too many details.. The nicest thing done for me, would be when my grandparents took me in and put a roof over my head and food in my mouth, as well the love and attention that was needed for a two year old. I pretty much owe my life to them, and am thankful everyday of my life for the gift of love they gave me. Other than that, the nicest thing, would be my friends and the care they have showed me throughout the years.
I would have to go with what LDS_forever was mentioning. Without getting into too many details.. The nicest thing done for me, would be when my grandparents took me in and put a roof over my head and food in my mouth, as well the love and attention that was needed for a two year old. I pretty much owe my life to them, and am thankful everyday of my life for the gift of love they gave me. |