A Gift to You

A Gift You - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 22nd Jan, 2003 - 2:04pm

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Nicest thing someone ever did for you
19th Sep, 2002 - 11:01pm / Post ID: #

A Gift to You

What is the nicest thing someone did for you?. I have several things in mind, one it's how much care and love  my grandmother and my two uncles gave to me and my sister when we didn't have any family but them. They raised us and gave us everything we needed.
What about you? :)

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Post Date: 22nd Sep, 2002 - 10:43pm / Post ID: #

A Gift to You
A Friend

You Gift A

The nicest thing that someone has ever done for me mmmm let me think help me to get my daughter from Tobago to come and live with me that was a great act of kindness that someone has done for me.

Post Date: 23rd Sep, 2002 - 11:35pm / Post ID: #

A Gift to You
A Friend

A Gift to You Health & Special Psychology

There are many too numerous to mention,,,,,,,,,but when someone treats  you like royalty. And I was treated like that
most times. I was able to put my feet up and was served my meals on a silver platter and especially after a lond day at work.

24th Sep, 2002 - 12:36am / Post ID: #

You Gift A

Well without getting all sentimental or churchy...

1. My saviour, Jesus Christ has done more than I can repay
2. My wife who has stood by me in our ups and downs

24th Sep, 2002 - 11:15am / Post ID: #

You Gift A

That's goodies JB. :) I'm sure your wife is the greatest huh? ;)

Post Date: 19th Jan, 2003 - 6:18pm / Post ID: #

A Gift to You
A Friend

A Gift to You

Jesus Christ is definitely up there and apart from him I would say my family. They are my happiness and just being there each day with me is truly fulfilling.

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Post Date: 22nd Jan, 2003 - 4:30am / Post ID: #

A Gift to You
A Friend

A Gift You

I would have to go with what LDS_forever was mentioning.
Without getting into too many details.. The nicest thing done for me, would be when my grandparents took me in and put a roof over my head and food in my mouth, as well the love and attention that was needed for a two year old. I pretty much owe my life to them, and am thankful everyday of my life for the gift of love they gave me. Other than that, the nicest thing, would be my friends and the care they have showed me throughout the years.

22nd Jan, 2003 - 2:04pm / Post ID: #

A Gift You Psychology Special & Health

I would have to go with what LDS_forever was mentioning.
Without getting into too many details.. The nicest thing done for me, would be when my grandparents took me in and put a roof over my head and food in my mouth, as well the love and attention that was needed for a two year old. I pretty much owe my life to them, and am thankful everyday of my life for the gift of love they gave me.

Nice to know that we have 'similar' stories :). Today I was thinking that there are a lot of people out there in the world whom were raised by their grandparents, that's why I think it's so important to be responsible for them when they get old and take care of them as they did when we were just babies.
I think God had blessed me so much and He's always the one who gives me the nicest things in life, the honour and privilege to become a mom and a wife, health, love and strength. :)

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