Patricia Mauceri

Patricia Mauceri - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 4th Sep, 2009 - 11:31pm

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4th Sep, 2009 - 11:31pm / Post ID: #

Patricia Mauceri

Patricia Mauceri says she was fired by ABC and replaced for objecting to a gay storyline because of her religious beliefs.

Mauceri played the recurring role of Carlotta Vega on "OLTL" for the last 14 years. But when she objected to how the writers wanted her deeply religious character, a Latina mother, to handle a storyline involving homosexuality, she objected. And for that she claims she was fired.

Mauceri, 59, a devout Christian, told FOX News that character Vega's gay-friendly dialogue was not in line with the character she helped create by drawing on her own faith.

"I did not object to being in a gay storyline. I objected to speaking the truth of what that person, how that person would live and breathe and act in that storyline," she said. "And this goes against everything I am, my belief system, and what I know the character's belief system is aligned to."

Mauceri said she was replaced despite offering changes to the script and hoping for a compromise.

An ABC spokesperson said they were not aware of any such claims by Mauceri, adding such claims "would be frivolous."

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Post Date: Fri Feb 7 1:34:48 GMT 2025 / Post ID: #

Patricia Mauceri

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I'd like this thread patricia mauceri needs more feedback briskly to see and know so I can decide for myself.

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