Saudi Cleric Urges Prayer Reform

Saudi Cleric Urges Prayer Reform - Studies of Islam - Posted: 2nd Jul, 2010 - 7:00pm

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Post Date: 8th Sep, 2009 - 11:02am / Post ID: #

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Saudi Cleric Urges Prayer Reform

Saudi cleric urges prayer reform

A leading Saudi cleric argues that the call for the destruction of unbelievers should not be a part of Friday prayers. Ref. Source 1

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Post Date: 18th Sep, 2009 - 10:19pm / Post ID: #

Saudi Cleric Urges Prayer Reform
A Friend

Reform Prayer Urges Cleric Saudi

As Salam Alykom

With all due respect to the source: BBC, I would like to comment on the title of the article. Unless of course the author intended a catching eyes headline.

When you say the word reform, you are referring to something that was incorrect and efforts are geared towards correction, improvement and enhancement. This certainly will be done through changes, modifictions which might involve either addition or elimination.

In this context, we will need first to understand what is Friday Salat (worship which is the second pillar of Islam). I intend to use the word Salat because Salat is totally different from the concept of prayer known to people who are non Muslims.

Friday Salat is Ordained by Allah on Muslims to take place instead of Zohor (noon) Salat. The format is different and part of it is to deliver a Khutbah (surmon). In case one who joins the congregation misses this part, it means that his/her Salat is invalid and one should instead perform regular Zohor. This person shall loose the reward of attending Friday Salat.

Again the format is:
Listening to the Khutbah.
Performing 2 Raka`a (units) instead of 4 in the regular Zohor Salat.

These are standard rules that can not be changed, modified or amended. Those are rules made by Allah the Creator and learnt through the Messenger blessing and peace be upon him.

The wisdom behind it is vast and not relevant here.
The Khutbah which is a fundamental aspect of this rite, must be aligned with some guidelines, like it must not be long, must be focused, deliver a message, introduce knowledge, address a common issue..etc. One who listens must not move or speak during the delivery, otherwise, Salat is annuled.

Having said that, the Sheikh (Cleric) by suggesting to cut down on supplicating against non believers:

He said praying for the destruction of the unbelievers runs against God's law, or Islamic sharia.

However, he added that praying for their destruction should be allowed only if they were harming the interests of Muslims.

He is not calling for reform, because he well undersands that Islam is perfect, as a system of life, because it is from the Creator and no human can reform what has been made perfect.

He is suggesting a change of topic. If would suggest eliminating Khutbah, or increasing number of Rakaat, or reducing them. This is what is called change. I would not use reform.

However, they still supplicate to Allah to grant Muslims victory against Jews and free Al Aqsa Mosque, that is what are supplicating for.

Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2010 - 7:00pm / Post ID: #

Saudi Cleric Urges Prayer Reform Islam Studies

Name: Matullah

Comments: Our clerics need to preach more the message of peace so that people see we are peaceful. Message of hate does not help us.

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