The first time I took this like seriously was when this fat American dude showed up on America's Most Wanted because he killed his wife from Russia when she wasnted to leave him. They were showing some video of him and the guy looks like a real loser. Those Russian gals need to be real careful.
That's right, they also showed that same woman in the documentary. They were giving the pros and cons of it. What I don't get is how these guys can be interested in a woman who can't even speak their language? Is it all based on looks and nothing else?
This isn't anything to do about love. This all about sensationalized sex for losers who don't know how to fix their personal image and meet someone like normal people do. Have you ever been to one of those Russian bride sites? They make the women look like prostitutes not like a future bride unless that's what these men think about the marriage, they're marrying a prostitute for sex and that's it. The marriage part is probably just to get passed immigration.