Do You Believe In Dreams? - Page 5 of 8

I believe that dreams are a must. If they - Page 5 - Studies of Dreams, Mystics, Paranormal - Posted: 19th Dec, 2005 - 8:44am

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1st Aug, 2004 - 12:15am / Post ID: #

Do You Believe In Dreams? - Page 5

I'm not sure that I believe that dreams can predict the future or warn us of things to come. The one thing I know is that I often have dreams of dead loved ones. My most prevalent one was of my brother. Jim died in 1968 at the age of 11, I was 12, we were more than siblings we were best friends. After he died I would often dream that he was still alive. In the dream I would tell him, "You're not suppose to be here. You're dead." He would just smile at me. I still have these dreams from time to time and I think it just means that Jim is watching over me, that no matter what he will always be here with me. I like the idea of that, even after all these years I still miss him. I also used to dream about my Dad, he died in 1985. I am always very angry at him in these dreams, I think it's because my Dad and I had unresolved differences, we used to fight a lot. I loved my Dad but I never told him that, perhaps that is what the dreams are about. I'm angry he died before I could tell him how I felt. I don't know. I don't have these kinds of dreams as much as I used to.

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Post Date: 9th Aug, 2004 - 2:16am / Post ID: #

Do You Believe In Dreams?
A Friend

Dreams In You Do

Sometimes when something tragic or amazing is to happen in the future or has happened in the past your mind picks it up using a esp wave or something like that, and we dream about it. Maybe dreams are of someone else life.


28th Oct, 2004 - 12:11am / Post ID: #

Do You Believe In Dreams? Paranormal & Mystics Dreams Studies

Nope. I don't believe in dreams about the future. Dreams are only a period in which the brain can relax and go over the days' events without constantly having to learn something new, see something new. That's why the best way to study for a test is actually to have a decent sleep.

I do believe, however, that if you look at dreams, it may tell you a lot about yourself. Dreams are like a movie made out of your mind, a jumble of pictures and feeling tied together. Sometimes something you haven't noticed consciously may appear in your dreams.

Post Date: 18th Dec, 2004 - 10:25pm / Post ID: #

Do You Believe In Dreams?
A Friend

Page 5 Dreams In You Do

Sometimes when I'm dealing with an issue in life, and fall asleep with it on my mind, I'll wake up the next morning feeling a lot better about it.

I recently found that true. I was seriously thinking about joining the Air Force one night then fell asleep while thinking about it. The next morning my mind was set on joining...... Very strange. It isn't temporary either, I fell asleep about 2 weeks ago with that on my mind and I am still set on it.

Post Date: 19th Dec, 2004 - 12:07am / Post ID: #

Do You Believe In Dreams?
A Friend

Dreams In You Do

I think there is several different types of dreams. Typically when a person is under a lot of stress they tend to have sleepless nights, which is resulting from brain activity, which can be called dreaming, but the dreams aren't rememberable. Then when your sub-conscience has "conversations" (I like to call it) with your conscience, or mind, those are the ones people remember. Such as the falling from building suppose to mean trouble, dreaming of groups, or children means gossip and so on. I think personally the more memorable dreams a person has, the more active conscience they have. And I also think that the random dreaming about pickles....well...yeah, maybe I should just get that looked into. lol

Post Date: 14th Dec, 2005 - 2:31am / Post ID: #

Do You Believe In Dreams?
A Friend

Do You Believe In Dreams?

I have some incredibly strange dreams, and I have noticed that if I eat after 10, my dreams are that much weirder. I had a dream one time that there was a tornado outside, and me and like 40 other girls picked up my friend's house. We started running with his house trying to avoid the tornado. We realized we would not be able to do that, and so we put his house down. Then, all 41 of us piled into his shower to wait out the tornado.

I also had a dream where we were in the church parking lot, and we were trying to kill these killer monkeys. They were really furry. They were horrible, though. If they touched you, then you wouldn't be able to breathe anymore. I went underneath a car trying to get the last one, and it jumped on me. That was a scary one.

I found a website that has a "dream dictionary" for what different things in your dreams supposedly mean. Whether you believe in that sort of stuff or not, it's pretty interesting stuff. I looked up tornado:


If you dream that you are caught up in a tornado, or see other people in one, or you are in danger from a tornado, then you will find all your well laid business plans come to naught and failure will dog your footsteps until you do something to change your chances of success; more education, better training or so forth.

Uh oh! I'm in trouble! Heh heh... Here's the website if anybody wants to look at it:

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 14th Dec, 2005 - 3:02am / Post ID: #

Do You Believe In Dreams?
A Friend

Do You In Dreams - Page 5

I personally believe that dreams are heavily influenced by the life that passes you by everyday. I see that people living happy lives with little stress rarely have bad dreams. Children are especially influenced by what they see. My thoughts are that most dreams mean nothing about the future and events thus surrounding it. I think the dreams more represent your fears and stresses that you are having now. I won't discount the occassional vision, to many people have had accurate future predictions through dreams to believe that none of them mean something.

19th Dec, 2005 - 8:44am / Post ID: #

Do You In Dreams Studies Dreams Mystics & Paranormal - Page 5

I believe that dreams are a must. If they weigh any on my decisions they probably do in some subconscious way. For many days Ill walk into a situation having an weird feeling I have been here or seen this before. Most of the time in a dream the night before. Dreams keep us young, thats where most of the creativity begins. Nothing happens unless first a dream. Confused look to Shakespeare's Hamlet.

O God, I could be bounded in a nut shell and count
myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I
have bad dreams.

Which dreams indeed are ambition, for the very
substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.

A dream itself is but a shadow.

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