Asteroid to hit Earth in 2014?

Asteroid Hit Earth 2014 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 4th Nov, 2004 - 12:14pm

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Post Date: 2nd Sep, 2003 - 10:42am / Post ID: #

Asteroid to hit Earth in 2014?
A Friend

Asteroid to hit Earth in 2014?

Giant asteroid could hit Earth in 2014

A giant asteroid is heading for Earth and could hit in 2014, U.S. astronomers have warned British space monitors.

But for those fearing Armageddon, don't be alarmed -- the chances of a catastrophic collision are just one in 909,000.

Of course, over the years, I know that scientists have been predicting an asteroid large enough to cause some serious damage or even wipe out the planet Earth.  I am hoping with some luck that this asteroid will just barely scrape us and pass on by.  When I saw this article, it reminded me of the movies:  Armageddon and Deep Impact.  Of course those movies are not real, but it just brought the thought to my mind of art imitating life.

Do you think the scientists will come up with a way to destroy the asteroid before it got too close to actually cause any damage?  If you were one of the scientists working on a solution to get rid of the asteroid, how would you do it?  What are your thoughts?

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3rd Sep, 2003 - 10:24am / Post ID: #

Earth hit Asteroid

I read about this also.  They have only just begun to track and observe this asteroid, and don't really have enough information to know for sure where it's going.  Can "they" find a way within a decade to deflect this monster??  Let's hope so.

Without getting too "religious" -- the world is supposed to end in a very different way :D   So, although it's interesting to read about, I don't take any of this stuff too seriously.

In my opinion, of course.


Post Date: 5th Sep, 2003 - 12:40am / Post ID: #

Asteroid to hit Earth in 2014?
A Friend

Asteroid to hit Earth in 2014? UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

If that were really going to happen I think everyone would just start to go like totally crazy.

Post Date: 7th Jan, 2004 - 9:34pm / Post ID: #

Asteroid to hit Earth in 2014?
A Friend

Earth hit Asteroid

I dont know I've seen shows about this astroids and its really realistic to me, I am not going to say you guys I'm not scared and it wont happen to be honest what answers do I have for you? But I think theres alot of unanswered questions and I think that to pick one side might not be a good idea. We have to say optimistic about the whole thing from both sides

Post Date: 9th Jan, 2004 - 2:05am / Post ID: #

Asteroid to hit Earth in 2014?
A Friend

Earth hit Asteroid

I would like to think that all the scientists and NASA people would think of something or come up with something that would deter the asteroid into another direction or possibly even doing like they did in the movie Armageddon. Yea, I know it was just a movie, but the thought concept could probably work though. But then again, we might be lucky enough and the asterioid will just pass by us. At any rate, I would truly hope that it doesn't end up striking into Earth.

Post Date: 31st Jan, 2004 - 4:53am / Post ID: #

Asteroid to hit Earth in 2014?
A Friend

Asteroid to hit Earth in 2014?

If I was going to come up with a solution it would be in the form of a superheated laser.If that did'nt work well.........we had a good go.

Besides I dont think NASA could predict such a thing with enough accuracy to warrant sending a whole team of astronauts to destroy it.

We get "BULLET BURNS" all the time,asteroids are always coming close to us,it happens so often they gave it a name.

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Post Date: 4th Nov, 2004 - 11:59am / Post ID: #

Asteroid to hit Earth in 2014?
A Friend

Asteroid hit Earth 2014

QUOTE (Dio The Dark @ 30-Jan 04, 11:53 PM)
If I was going to come up with a solution it would be in the form of a superheated laser.If that did'nt work well.........we had a good go.

I love it!

What is that saying: You never see the one with your name on it?

Anyway, I doubt that we will see the end coming. When it happens, it will probably just happen. Well, unless the Mayans are right and the world really will end in 2012.

4th Nov, 2004 - 12:14pm / Post ID: #

Asteroid hit Earth 2014 Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

Well, unless the Mayans are right and the world really will end in 2012

Where did you get that from? I know the Aztecs were great astronomers, but I doubt they ever thought about meteors, not knowing what one was save for a higher intelligence showing them.

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