Blowing Your Horn

Blowing Horn - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 4th Oct, 2009 - 6:06pm

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23rd Sep, 2009 - 3:27pm / Post ID: #

Blowing Your Horn

Why do Trinis love to use their car horn for almost everything? I understand when you are driving and the person ahead of you is either rolling backwards or is at a stand still when traffic is moving, you use the car horn then right? If a Trini is visiting a friend and the person is inside his/her house, why would you blow the car horn and not use the door bell? Sometimes I love to exercise and my neighbours would acknowledge me by blowing their car horn! Whatever happened to rolling down your car window, smiling, saying Hello or even slowing down to chat? Is using the car horn a sign of bad manners or do people feel too lazy to come out and talk? What do you think?

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23rd Sep, 2009 - 4:05pm / Post ID: #

Horn Blowing

Usually people who do this are without manners or empathy. The worst of these is when they go into an apartment complex and beep their horn for one tenant and yet everyone else has to be disturbed by the noise. This is part of the culture where anything goes and respect for your fellowman is not an issue.

Post Date: 23rd Sep, 2009 - 6:49pm / Post ID: #

Blowing Your Horn
A Friend

Blowing Your Horn Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

They learned this from the USA. Here if you see someone you know or think you know you much sound your car horn as long and as many times as possible until they look at you. I believe this is a complete sign of laziness and everyone has to suffer through it.

23rd Sep, 2009 - 11:20pm / Post ID: #

Horn Blowing

Definitely bad manners. They don't only blow their horn constantly but they also call the person in a very loud voice (shouting). It is extremely annoying but they don't see the problem at all.

Post Date: 24th Sep, 2009 - 2:09pm / Post ID: #

Blowing Your Horn
A Friend

Horn Blowing

What I found interesting is if you do it back to them they have the nerve to act annoyed! I just do not understand the mindless brain.

1st Oct, 2009 - 4:36pm / Post ID: #

Blowing Your Horn

Is common this in my country to blow horn. I hear this when I'm on street and walking the men of Trinidad use horn all the time.

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2nd Oct, 2009 - 11:33pm / Post ID: #

Blowing Horn

It is common everywhere. Where I come from is quite common as well. It's just a matter of manners. Some people have it, some others don't.

Post Date: 4th Oct, 2009 - 6:06pm / Post ID: #

Blowing Your Horn
A Friend

Blowing Horn Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean

What is so unmannerly about blowing the horn? I know some people can over do it, and I usually don't do it to call someone from their house; instead I use my phone, but people say that is wasting money when I could just stand up downstairs and shout or toot the horn slightly.

One thing I was told though is that you are suppose to toot your horn as an expression of gratitude when you are given a "chance" on the road, e.g. To come out from a minor road and merge in, or change lane in traffic.

Maybe this horn blowing originated from a way of show casing the vehicle?

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