Your Favorite Sport

Your Favorite Sport - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 3rd Jul, 2003 - 1:09am

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Post Date: 29th Jun, 2003 - 6:05pm / Post ID: #

Your Favorite Sport
A Friend

Your Favorite Sport

What is your favorite sport?  Least favorite sport and why?

my favorite sport is american football. it is my favorite becuase i used to play it in high school. i enjoyed it becuase of the rush you get when you make that touchdown run or that most awsome catch of the game. the rush when you make that hard hit against your opponet is really good also.

now my least favorite i would have to say is golf. you cant even watch it on tv without falling asleep more less go and watch it in person. it just really :boredsick: sick me to sleep lol

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Post Date: 29th Jun, 2003 - 10:44pm / Post ID: #

Your Favorite Sport
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Sport Favorite Your

american football, ice hockey, basketball, and baseball are all my favorites, it just depends on which season it is.
I also liked watching last years world cup when the u.s. team got to the quarter finals after beating portugal and mexico, and tying south korea.

Post Date: 29th Jun, 2003 - 10:53pm / Post ID: #

Your Favorite Sport
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Your Favorite Sport Sports & Fashion Music Movies

I have so many favorite sports, so I guess I'll keep my list short.  lol  I love ice hockey, baseball, american football.  Are NHRA drag racing and Nascar considered a sport?  lol  I love drag racing the best.  :happy:  
I grew up with my dad racing cars, my uncle used to take me to the Red Sox baseball games, and american football and ice hockey is just cool to watch.

For my least favorite sport, that would be golf.  I don't see what all the hype about it is.  Other than using concentration to play and all that junk.  ;)

1st Jul, 2003 - 12:16am / Post ID: #

Sport Favorite Your

Attached Image QUOTE
now my least favorite I would have to say is golf. You cannot even watch it on tv without falling asleep more less go and watch it in person. It just really  sick me to sleep

Whatever… lol Golf is one of my favorite sports!! And also Tennis *smile*

Attached Image QUOTE
For my least favorite sport, that would be golf.  I don't see what all the hype about it is.  Other than using concentration to play and all that junk.  

Hmmmm thinking the same like the husband huh? Hey Golf is fun!

Post Date: 1st Jul, 2003 - 10:18pm / Post ID: #

Your Favorite Sport
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Sport Favorite Your

Well not I am putting down any one who like the game golf I just don't see what any one can get out of it. But you want in on a real sport put me in a car that dose 220 mph around a track any day lol.

Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2003 - 4:01pm / Post ID: #

Your Favorite Sport
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Your Favorite Sport

put me in a car that dose 220 mph around a track any day

Shady, I think your wife would probably tell you :nope: on the fast car.  ;)  What is it with men wanting fast cars?  ::)

thinking the same like the husband huh

Nah, I have never really acquired a taste for Golf.  But I did play a little tennis when I was in school.  Never was quite cordinated enough to play much sports.  I just kept tripping over my own feet.  lol

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Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2003 - 9:26pm / Post ID: #

Your Favorite Sport
A Friend

Your Favorite Sport

There isn't nothing wrong with fast cars  what you don't know won't hurt. Im good as long as the don't catch. My be Santa will be good to me lol.

3rd Jul, 2003 - 1:09am / Post ID: #

Your Favorite Sport Movies Music Fashion & Sports

Men feel powerful with fast cars, don't know what it is… something psychological about it.

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