Obama Worship

Obama Worship - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 19th Jul, 2010 - 8:18pm

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Post Date: 27th Sep, 2009 - 3:25am / Post ID: #

Obama Worship

Obama Worship

Is it true that many US Citizens worship Obama as a Savior for their troubles?

Political Controversy

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27th Sep, 2009 - 3:51am / Post ID: #

Worship Obama

Obama could land on an aircraft carrier, wearing a flightsuit, greet the troops with "we are the champions" playing amidst a background banner of "Mission Accomplished" and the majority of the mainstream media would talk about how right it is, how great he is and what a wonderful job the troops have done under his leadership.

The deification of Obama is starting to wain a bit...but it is still ridiculously present.

Attached Image Edited: Vincenzo on 27th Sep, 2009 - 3:52am

11th Jun, 2010 - 4:19am / Post ID: #

Obama Worship Beliefs Religious General

I believe the media is starting to change their tune. Polls are showing that he is losing the people's confidence with every major decision he makes. Just look at how the oil spill is being handled. He's considering VAT too - what happened to no new taxes for the working class poor among us? There will still be the blind ones that will worship in the Obamamania fanfare even if he decided tomorrow to take away our right to bear arms and make America a full police state. They would still love him just because they get some handout, some benefit now, but wait til all the loans run out and China wants her pie back.

11th Jun, 2010 - 5:09am / Post ID: #

Worship Obama

Isnt it amazing what a difference only 9 months makes. The media help build him and they will fully help take him down.

11th Jun, 2010 - 5:53am / Post ID: #

Worship Obama

I think a lot of people do follow him fanatically. I also think a lot of people hate him fanatically. It seems there are those that think he can do no right and those who think he can do no wrong.

Personally I think he is doing a fine job considering what he had to start with. It looked like the country was falling into the abyss and now it looks like we are slowly climbing out. He has given some help to the lower class as well.

I think if he is reelected for another term we will see a mutch different Obahma though. I think he is playing safe right now but if he is reelected he will definitely try and leave more of a lasting mark.

Post Date: 11th Jun, 2010 - 11:14pm / Post ID: #

Obama Worship
A Friend

Obama Worship

I see way too many people worshipping him just based on his skin color. I think a lot of people had the wool pulled over their eyes and they are keeping it there because they do not want to know the truth. I find it interesting that anyone in government that says anything negative about him are soon out of a job.

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Post Date: 16th Jul, 2010 - 10:17pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Obama Worship

Obama: It's collective salvation

Glenn has the audio today of Obama talking about how his individual salvation will 'not come about' without collective salvation. This idea is straight from the belly of the beast. It nullifies Jesus's gift on the cross and puts salvation in the hands of deeds, not grace. Even the Pope has called the idea 'demonic'. Check out Glenn's explanation from radio today. Ref. Source 6

Post Date: 19th Jul, 2010 - 8:18pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Obama Worship General Religious Beliefs

Change: Freedom of 'worship'

In the Constitution, it's the "Freedom of Religion". The President has quietly changed the wording of this phrase to 'Freedom of worship' which to some may seem like a matter of semantics, but Glenn says there is much more than just a word game. What difference can one word make? Ref. Source 7

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