To my understanding most Indian artifacts found in the United States are "owned" by the Native American nations that they belonged to, and must be returned to the tribe or left alone.
In your opinion, regardless of local laws, who do you think should own Indian artifacts that are found on publicly held land?
What about artifacts found on privately owned lands?
Should artifacts from any culture in the past be returned to that culture, is this something that should hold true for only one particular culture, or should artifacts, especially those from thousands of years ago, be considered the property of the person finding them or person on whose land it is found?
International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 109 10.9%
I didn't know that, so it isn't a case of finders keepers? Is that federal law or state law on native Indian artifacts because I want to read up on that if you will provide a link, thanks man.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 21 2.1%