Have you people seen 'Three Kings' ?
When it first started I did not take it seriously, I thought it
was one of those typical comedy Hollywood films, but then
there was a serious theme behind it when they went after the
The director really showed the 'greed' that turned into 'honor'.
I was most impressed. I believe one could spend hours writing
similarities between the actions of the '3 kings' and the USA.
The soldier who survived the interrorgation really had a big change
of heart and this was well displayed. If you have not see it - I would
say go... because it is all about the last Iraqi war and is just as
applicable today.
As an American I can say this, he has made the choice whether to be my friend or my foe, I am by default of being born in the United States to parents that believe in Christianity an evil in his eyes. To me however he is not evil because he was born in an Islamic Country or because his parents followed Mohumad but because he is a dirty terroist who cares only for himself. All the terroist under his command are just pawns.
I disagree that the United States cares about Iraq's Oil. That is an opinion and an opion based on the anti american crowed in the United States that calls themselves "anti war" well they are not anti war they are anti bush and they are anti american, america did not start the war we are just going to finish it.
The concern over Iraq has to do with intelligence reports that show that Al Quada is seeking biological and nuclear weapons to use on the United States. Obviously if they were to get them they would have to get them from some government sponser which we know Iraq is. Note we are not just planning on going after Iraq but also Iran, because they too have the same ambitions and they both are giving Al Queda safe havens.
Further from that, Iraq is also sponsering Palistinian terrorism, Saddam has offered palistinian parents a large sum of money to send their kids out to be suicide bombers.
There is information that one of the Sept 11 highjackers Mohumad Atta did in fact meet with the ambasador to Iraq in the Check republic. Many have said this is disputed but it is not, there are two Check intelligence reports that Atta met with the Ambassodor to Iraq twice, the first one is a matter of fact the second one is the one that is disputed.
Maybe the black guy did it. He did not confess just for fun, he (actually they) were spotted at a rest stop, in the area, had a gun that actually shot those kinds of bullets that it shot, had bullets in their possession. He had the training to do it in the United States army, and he was doing a lot of shooting practice in the State of Washington before this time, as things go, he was shooting a lot of people on his way to the Washington DC area. He may or may not have had links to Al Queda but he was a convert to Islam, to some that should not mean anything but the fact of the matter is Islamic Terrorist are not Jewish. As for the racial profiling, their was no profiling, for what it is worth many thought it would be a white guy. For another point of what it is worth, they suspected he had ties to Islamic Terrorist not because of any racial prophile (and I don't know why people would even think that considering someone working for Al Queda would equal a racial prophile consiring the fact that Islam is an international religion, which contains whites, blacks, and orientals for the most part)
The concern over Iraq has to do with intelligence reports that show that Al Quada is seeking biological and nuclear weapons to use on the United States. |
Brian, my point is that this called 'war against terrorism' started AFTER the Sept 11th attack, because let's be honest, Iraq has those weapons LONGGGG time before Sept 11th and the States knew it. Now, why they wait until two planes crashed in the twin towers to do something????. That's my whole point, and the answer is that the US government (like any other government in the world) moved themselves by interests, and the reason they are doing all this is because of what happened in New York, DC and Philadelphia.
Because if that would not happen, I'm sure we will not be talking about this today in this forum.
EVERYTIME that there is a 'personal' attack on the US then they react and do things like that, I'm NOT saying it's wrong...but let's not be hypocrites and say to the world you're doing it for the humanity itself! (Bush says it all the time) when you're doing it just because they 'touched your butt'...you know what I mean?
I like straighforward people, they cannot come and tell me they want attack Iraq because they're concern about the safety of the world when in reality they're concern about THEIR OWN personal safety and their country.