That will be the top news of tomorrow, hopefully there will be more details then:
Video Of Assault On Bin Laden
ABC BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Exclusive Footage Inside the Compound Where Osama Bin Laden Was Killed Source 2
Osama bin Laden is dead!
News of an incredible operation to take out Osama bin Laden broke late last night and shortly after President Obama delivered a message that every American has been waiting to hear: Osama bin Laden is dead. He wasn't found in the mountains or in a cave - he was in suburban Pakistan living in a $1 million compound with 12-18 ft walls and very few windows. Bin Laden reportedly resisted and was killed during a firefight. The only bizarre thing was that the administration made sure to uphold Muslim burial traditions. Why would any non-radical Muslim want this dirt bag to get a proper Muslim burial? Glenn has a few other ideas on what should have been done with the body. Ref. Source 1
Former Spec Ops soldier calls burial at sea a 'mistake'
Former Special Ops soldier and now noted reporter/writer Michael Yon, who has done arguably more embedded troop reporting than anyone, is calling the burial at sea a big mistake that will cause problems down the road. The reason for the burial at sea was a good one - to avoid having a burial shrine for radicals to pay homage to someone they perceive as a martyr. So why could this backfire? Glenn interviews Yon on radio today and goes over the possible negative consequences. Ref. Source 8