Osama Bin Laden Friend or Foe? - Page 2 of 42

THE SOLUTION... Well we tend to shy away from - Page 2 - Studies of Islam - Posted: 19th Oct, 2002 - 1:45am

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This thread is NOT specifically about Iraq, the USA, or Afghanistan. It is about Osama Bin Laden himself and the views of the Middle Eastern world about him. Share your views.
Osama Bin Laden Friend or Foe? Related Information to Osama Bin Laden Friend or Foe?
15th Oct, 2002 - 10:59pm / Post ID: #

Osama Bin Laden Friend or Foe? - Page 2

I think the reason is a word with three letters: OIL!

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16th Oct, 2002 - 10:19pm / Post ID: #

Foe Friend Laden Bin Osama

The interesting thing is all that happended after Sept. 11th. Such as the anthrax scares, mail box bombs and now snipers. Even more interesting is the fact that these happenings were used by US citizens against other US citizens (except for the last which we do not know the identity yet). Why would US citizens want to do this against 'fellow' countrymen? Is it that they are a 'sleeping' Bin Laden or are they simply whacked out of their minds.

Whatever the reason we live in a world where you could be walking down the street to buy an ice cream cone and next you know you are shot, stabbed, mugged, or the victim of a terrorist attack.

17th Oct, 2002 - 12:22am / Post ID: #

Osama Bin Laden Friend or Foe? Islam Studies

True...did you hear about that guy in Maryland that shoots people and kill them? sickening...there is no place where you can find peace in this world and with this Iraq-USA war hmmm...we will not have peace for a longgg while, I just hoped that when Felipe go to a mission they can send him to a safe place because if not, I will move right next to him! :)

18th Oct, 2002 - 11:38am / Post ID: #

Page 2 Foe Friend Laden Bin Osama

did you hear about that guy in Maryland that shoots people and kill them?

The guy in Maryland that shoots people? You mean the sniper? I understand that they have begun questioning he Afghan captives about this... I guess they see a connection somewhere?

A recent statement from the CIA says that the attacks we are hearing around the world are basically aimed at US citizens and they are happening so often because Bin Laden's group has reorganized itself and are communicating.

I wonder if in all this Bin Laden is alive or dead?

18th Oct, 2002 - 5:45pm / Post ID: #

Foe Friend Laden Bin Osama

Oh please you know what JB. I'm fed up with this american system of 'Racial Profile', do you remember the bombs in Oklahoma City? first the FBI said it was a terrorist attack and that muslims were responsible for it, after they said was the fault of the arabians, nothing came up with that...after they said they identified a black male as the responsable...nothing came up with that. UNTIL A WHITE GUY, confess that he did that...a white protestant Church going guy!!!!!!!!!
So, now the snipper is a Bin Laden guy....*shaking head* even though that may be true or not...I don't believe them anymore!...

Post Date: 18th Oct, 2002 - 9:27pm / Post ID: #

Osama Bin Laden Friend or Foe?
A Friend

Osama Bin Laden Friend or Foe?


So, now the snipper is a Bin Laden guy....*shaking head* even though that may be true or not...I don't believe them anymore!...

It seems that you and I kind of think the same way about this...   It seems that US always blame others without knowing first what is going on...  :spock: About Bin Laden... I am not really sure that he was the only  responsible of the attack on Sep. 11
And I have my doubts and probably the US had something to do with that in the background... it makes sense since the economy was not doing well...  war is a great business...  let's go back in time, the US in the 30's and you will see....

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18th Oct, 2002 - 10:29pm / Post ID: #

Osama Bin Laden Friend Foe - Page 2

Exactly, it makes me angry that they always think that a foreigner do things like that...they never doubt in their own people! they have the resources and technology to solve any crime they want IF they really want to...

19th Oct, 2002 - 1:45am / Post ID: #

Osama Bin Laden Friend Foe Studies Islam - Page 2


Well we tend to shy away from 'religious' groups, because we claim they may be a threat, BUT here is a religious statement that will be the cure all for all the strife in the world...

"When the world excepts the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then will the world be at peace"

Of course this is far from it. Even those professing Christ in their lives are those who seek to do evil. A hostoric example of this was the crusaders who used the 'cross' as a symbol for the king's own thirst for power. If one were to read about the Moors of Spain and how they were treated, being excuted for not believing in CHrist you can see how the Muslims have developed such a seperation for the Western World's prominent positon on Christianity.

Well the scriptures do say that those who are high will be made low, so I guess this is the only way the world will accept. Til then Bin Laden wanna bes go on with their terror.

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