Why didn't Superman ever fall inlove with Wonder Woman? She is a powerful beautiful woman and Superman the powerful handsome man, yet I don't think I've read about the two coming together. They both just fell for mere mortals. Is it that more powerful persons only go for those who are weaker?
I think Wonder Woman is human but just has special abilities? I know Superman is definitely a Kryptonian so in that aspect they're different. I think they just feel in love with the people around them. Clarke was around Louis and Wonder Woman met the major, but I can't remember how they met.
It has nothing to do with being mortal or immortal. Superman is a Kryptonian and he has no chance of being with his own kind anymore. But in Lois Lane he finds the sort of strength of character that a man like him desires. I mean look at her, she is a like an unrestrained beast, in thee polite sense of the term if there be any.
As for Wonder Woman, well she is an Amazon Warrior, and they are blessed by the Gods. For them it is taboo to fall in love with a man as they consider mankind to be degraded(as most of them are). Diana breaks that very taboo by venturing out into the Man's world, so falling in love can't be all that bad, now can it?
And as far as I know, I think she prefers Batman not because of anything else, but for his sheer brains and dry humor. I mean he has a very strong personality, a tremendous will, and knows how to intimidate anyone and everyone. I doubt even Superman would dare go against him, even though he is a thousand times stronger. So naturally a woman like Diana prefers him to the everyday washed up creatures called ordinary men.
And as far as I know, I think the Amazons are immortal. Because, as far as I have seen, Diana's mother(I don't recall her name) is still young and very pretty.
Yes, but apart from Supergirl(as in Kara Zor-El) none were true Kryptonians. The others just gained power from various sources(in some cases from a blood-transfusion from the Man of Steel, himself) and thus acted as Supergirl. But then Kara herself is gone too. She sacrifices herself to save Superman and the Multiverse.
Also Supergirl and Superman are cousins, so that wouldn't work so well.
Superman and Wonderwoman are actually shown to be close, I can't remember where, but quite a few DC comics show this, covers alone do this, like on many Superman and Wonderwoman in very tender and heartwarming moments. One shows Superman hold what looks to be a dead, bruised, and battered Wonderwoman in his arms, in anguish and sorrow. Edited: Thomaslee on 14th Jan, 2010 - 9:19pm