Joseph Smith And The Egyptian Mummy

Joseph Smith Egyptian Mummy - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 16th Nov, 2009 - 12:29am

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Post Date: 11th Oct, 2009 - 8:27pm / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith And The Egyptian Mummy

Joseph Smith and the Egyptian Mummy

Name: Huh?

Comments: What is the reason for Joseph Smith buying Egyptian mummies? He gets the gold plates by a divine source but has to purchase mummies for other scripture?

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12th Oct, 2009 - 1:59pm / Post ID: #

Mummy Egyptian The Smith Joseph

That is a fairly simple thing to answer.

Due to his rather intense exposure to ancient religious history through the Book of Mormon and angelic visitations, he sought more knowledge. I truly doubt that he expected to gain the Book of Abraham through it.

Another point of view would be that the Holy Ghost prompted him to purchase the artifacts when they became available.

Post Date: 15th Nov, 2009 - 9:59pm / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith And The Egyptian Mummy
A Friend

Joseph Smith And The Egyptian Mummy Studies Doctrine Mormon

That is not an official position of the Church, and so is your speculation only.

I don't believe the Church has a position on why Joseph actually purchased the papyri. So, the fact is, we don't really know why he bought them.

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15th Nov, 2009 - 10:54pm / Post ID: #

Mummy Egyptian The Smith Joseph

Attached Image QUOTE (Elphaba @ 15-Nov 09, 9:59 PM)
I don't believe the Church has a position on why Joseph actually purchased the papyri.

Why would the church have one in the first place you know what am I saying? The fact that the Book of Abraham is church doctrine for us it is enough evidence of the official position about it there is no need or makes any sense having an official position of "why" he bough the mummies. He was obviously interested in the Egyptian language and bought them, end of the story no big deal at all.

Post Date: 15th Nov, 2009 - 11:14pm / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith And The Egyptian Mummy
A Friend

Mummy Egyptian The Smith Joseph

Attached Image QUOTE
Why would the church have one in the first place you know what am I saying? . . . He was obviously interested in the Egyptian language and bought them, end of the story no big deal at all.
I'm not saying the Church should have a position on it.

A previous poster had asked why Joseph bought the mummies, and a subsequent poster said it was an "easy answer" and then gave those answers. My point is his "easy answer" was his opinion, nothing more.

You just offered your own opinion of the answer to the question, and it is different from the previous poster's. Personally, I suspect you are correct.

But the fact is none of us were there, and the Church has not spoken on it officially (which I agree, it wouldn't). So, we can write why we "think" Joseph bought them, but we can't say we know for sure.


15th Nov, 2009 - 11:23pm / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith And The Egyptian Mummy

I agree with Elphaba, we can't really say why Joseph Smith bought the mummies, I recall though that when he checked the mummies (before purchasing them) he saw the Book of Abraham and Joseph and that's why he bought them.

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Post Date: 16th Nov, 2009 - 12:16am / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith And The Egyptian Mummy
A Friend

Joseph Smith The Egyptian Mummy

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I recall though that when he checked the mummies (before purchasing them) he saw the Book of Abraham and Joseph and that's why he bought them.

Chica, you're right, and it makes me think I've been overly critical of anyone saying we know why Joseph purchased the mummies.

According to Bushman:
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On inspecting the papyri, Joseph announced that one roll contained the writings of Abraham of Ur, and another the writings of Joseph of Egypt. Excited by this discovery, he encouraged some of the Kirtland Saints to four mummies and the papryi for $2,400. . . .

I think this explains why Joseph purchased them. So, I was wrong that we did not know.

Nice way for me to start at a new LDS board, eh?


16th Nov, 2009 - 12:29am / Post ID: #

Joseph Smith The Egyptian Mummy Mormon Doctrine Studies

Folks but then it kind of contradicts when Joseph Smith said the following:

Attached Image QUOTE
.. With W.W. Phelps and Oliver Cowdery as scribes, I commenced the translation of some of the characters or hieroglyphics, and much to our joy found that one of the rolls contained the writings of Abraham, another the writings of Joseph of Egypt, etc. - a more full account of which will appear in its place, as I proceed to examine or unfold them. (a b Smith n.d., p. 236)

It almost sound like he was surprised to see those books there?

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