Springville Utah Mormons

Springville Utah Mormons - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 12th Jun, 2010 - 5:34pm

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Post Date: 12th Oct, 2009 - 5:49pm / Post ID: #

Springville Utah Mormons

Springville Utah Mormons

Is there an extra large concentration of Mormons in Springville, Utah?

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12th Oct, 2009 - 7:38pm / Post ID: #

Mormons Utah Springville

Wow, I hadn't heard that little rumor.

Actually, there probably is a strong concentration of Mormons near Springville. Springville is just south of Provo, and is pretty much in the middle of the Utah Valley area (at least on the east side of the lake, where almost all of the people are). Since Provo, Orem, Spanish Fork, Springville, and Salem probably have about the densest population of Mormons in Utah due partly to proximity to Brigham Young University, it probably is true.

However, I don't know where one would find actual statistics to support such an assertion.

12th Jun, 2010 - 5:34pm / Post ID: #

Springville Utah Mormons Studies Doctrine Mormon

I think pretty much in all Utah you will find a pretty big LDS community. I live in Bountiful and it's ultra LDS.

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