2 Million in US Prisons!

2 Million Prisons - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 8th Apr, 2003 - 3:10pm

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7th Apr, 2003 - 1:32pm / Post ID: #

2 Million in US Prisons!

The land of the free has so many of its population in prison. Care to explain why?

international QUOTE

The number of people in U.S. Prisons and jails last year topped 2 million for
the first time, driven by get-tough sentencing policies that mandate long
terms for drug offenders and other criminals, the government reported Sunday.

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Post Date: 7th Apr, 2003 - 3:47pm / Post ID: #

2 Million in US Prisons!
A Friend

Prisons US Million

international QUOTE
The land of the free has so many of its population in prison. Care to explain why?

Because we don't make enough use of capital punishment!

7th Apr, 2003 - 5:01pm / Post ID: #

2 Million in US Prisons! History & Civil Business Politics

international QUOTE
Because we don't make enough use of capital punishment!

Oh please, all 2 million have not committed serious enough crimes for that. There is social. Morale and spiritual breakdown. That is the cause. The guy on the street that holds the placard saying...

'Repent, Christ is Coming!'

is true, they should pay more attention to it.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3218 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

7th Apr, 2003 - 5:07pm / Post ID: #

Prisons US Million

international QUOTE
Because we don't make enough use of capital punishment!

Tell that to the hundreds of people who have died  by the use of capital punishment and later on discover that they were in fact INNOCENT!
The use of capital punishment in my opinion is not the solution for anything, you can see by the example of some of the states of the United States or other countries that they have it that it doesn't low the crime rate, it still the same!.
Instead of attack the person we should attack the problem and see what's the real issue in all this. Psychological problems, drugs, alcohol and so many other reasons...Even though the US may show off their emphasis in formal Education, it has prove that is only that...formal education but not the kind of 'Education' that will allow the people to become better citizens. That's why you hear how a lawyer or a doctor killed someone and you wonder how the heck this is possible? and again, because a person has a formal Education it doesn't mean they're good people or they have been educated to be good and honest citizens. You know, as I always say, let's go back to the basics and start spending time with our families and children, showing them love, being there when they need us the most. The concept of Family life should be more emphasized, but real family life. Not the one that I have seen in most US families where the only time you see them really united is when you go to their homes and you see the family pictures on the wall.
That's how you will stop the number of people going to jail...by helping them not to become criminals,  by taking responsibility, by loving them, by being an example yourself of a good citizen.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 7th Apr, 2003 - 5:56pm / Post ID: #

2 Million in US Prisons!
A Friend

Prisons US Million

---puts hand on hips with BIG frown---
When ARE you two going to figure out when I'm poking you?
I agree about the innocent people being convicted. It's a national travesty!
We have such incompentant investigation and prosecution personnel running around  it gives me the shivers.
I am ready to declare a moratorium on the death penalty.

7th Apr, 2003 - 9:01pm / Post ID: #

2 Million in US Prisons!

I know you was being sarcastic Stranger, that's part of your nature :smile.gif LOL  and that you LOVE to tease me wink.gif but I like to tease you too! even if I use some angry smilies ;D

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Post Date: 8th Apr, 2003 - 2:36pm / Post ID: #

2 Million in US Prisons!
A Friend

2 Million US Prisons

At any rate, I am completely fed up with "judicial process" in this country.

First of all, we need to completely re-write all of our laws. Many of them are stupid, about half of them are unconstitutional.

Next we need to severely limit our legislators' ability to pass laws in the first place. First, it should have to pass through a panel of review where its constitutional meerits are reviewed. Then it needs to be brought before a public forum where WE the people can see it.

Third, we need to revamp the trial process. It needs to have ONE goal- the discovery of the facts of the case. That should go for both prosecution and defense attornies.
ANY evidence relevant to the case needs to be brought forward, no matter how it was obtained.

Any defense attorney trying to blow smoke at a jury should go to jail for perjury and obstruction of justice.

No prosecution attorney should have the power to make deals of any kind. They become both judge and jury. They do not have the right to excuse crimes, and any testimony derived from cutting a deal with a criminal is suspect.

Both law officers and DAs need to be held accountable for the cases they try. If they convict the innocent, they go to jail. They are supposed to be professionals, so they need to do a professional job.

8th Apr, 2003 - 3:10pm / Post ID: #

2 Million US Prisons Politics Business Civil & History

I agree with you! (That is a rare occurrence) Laws in the US are almost similar to those in a cartoon with Mickey Mouse as judge. Mind you, if there was an effective judicial system then your jails would be doubled what they are now smile.gif because all the people like OJ, Puff Daddy, etc, etc would not be able to use technicalities to get off.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3218 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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