Touched By September 11th - 9/11

Touched September 11th 9/11 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 14th Apr, 2003 - 7:03pm

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Posts: 91 - Views: 15158
Poll: Did September 11th affect you deeply?
  Yes, very much so       62.96%
  Yes, but only as much as any other world tragedy       29.63%
  Not really, terror happens all the time for me       3.70%
  No, not at all       3.70%
Total Votes: 27
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9/11 Since this tradegy took place the world is a much different place. Share your thoughts and experiences if you were there.
Touched By September 11th - 9/11 Related Information to Touched By September 11th - 9/11
10th Sep, 2002 - 10:59pm / Post ID: #

Touched By September 11th - 9/11

Tomorrow, will be a year since the September 11th Atack. I invite you all to express your thoughts and feelings about it.
Personally, I think it's really sad to know how many lives were lost there. It makes my heart pain when I think on the families that were broken because of that.
At the same time, this happen every single day in one or another part of the world but people don't talk much about it.
Lives of people are treasures for God and we need to remember all those people who die in such a tragic events… but not only because it's happening in the USA we talk about it but we should not make any distinction of countries, races or religion.
My condolescens go to all the families who lost someone in a tragic event and my prayer go to all of them.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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Post Date: 11th Sep, 2002 - 12:53pm / Post ID: #

Touched By September 11th - 9/11
A Friend

th September Touched

Today is a day of remembrance of events that happened on that tragic day
exactly one year ago. On this day, we remember through thoughts and prayers
all those who perished.

Although somewhat overshadowed by the crashes at World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the crash in Pennsylvania of United Airlines flight 93 is no less
tragic. Dave Barry, noted humorist, strikes the right chord in his latest column. He writes brilliantly in one of his rare non-humour articles about the crash site which is being left as it is.

If you would like to read this sad and touching story, go to


One day has changed it all
In horror we watched them fall
Now the anger burns inside
No longer are we terrified.

I want to take a stand
To take revenge in my own hand
But it's not my choice
I don't want to kill
But I can't describe the pain
And anger that I feel

My condolences goes out to the families who lost their loved ones on this day. May God give them the strength to face the world day after day without their love ones in it.

Post Date: 11th Sep, 2002 - 5:09pm / Post ID: #

Touched By September 11th - 9/11
A Friend

Touched By September 11th - 9/11 History & Civil Business Politics

911 was a sad moment indeed but sometimes i wonder if the americans were not looking for that with their 'cocky attitude'. now i am not saying they were looking for what happened on the 11 sept but i mean like they thought they were untouchable and superior to other countries. now i guess they see they have to watch out for themselves just like anuyone else. de other ting is that what about all the good arabs that pay the price for sept 11. no one talks about how they are being treated badly.

13th Jan, 2003 - 9:20pm / Post ID: #

th September Touched

Attached Image

Were you in some way touched by the September 11th attack against the USA?

This question is mainly focused on those that were actually affected by it. This means - you live in New York City, you lost a loved one, you had something to do with the World Trade Center, etc.

If you were directly involved please tell us about it and how you have recovered or found strength since then.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3240 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2003 - 2:47pm / Post ID: #

Touched By September 11th - 9/11
A Friend

th September Touched

I cannot say that I was affected in the way of those who lost their loved ones, but I think people all over the world were astonished at the whole event.

Post Date: 17th Jan, 2003 - 8:19pm / Post ID: #

Touched By September 11th - 9/11
A Friend

Touched By September 11th - 9/11

When I went  to New York, we walked around the place and read the the messages and saw the flowers, pictures, etc.  I felt so sad, I wanted to cry, it really moved me.   But at first It didn't move me very much.

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18th Jan, 2003 - 10:20am / Post ID: #

Touched September 11th 9/11

I personally felt really bad. I was in the USA at the time and I was affected not directly but it affected me seeing how many lives were lost. It was something horrible, and I feel so sorry until today for what the families of the victims are going through.
I pray to God that never something like that can happen again in any part of the world...

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

14th Apr, 2003 - 7:03pm / Post ID: #

Touched September 11th 9/11 Politics Business Civil & History

One thing that was terrible was seeing people hanging from their window sil and then jumping freely, even if they were in no apparent danger (fire for instance). I guess fear engulfed them. I found this new idea that I think will help things like this from not happening again:

From CNN:

Parachute for those in high-rise
Low-altitude chutes gain in popularity following Sept. 11 attacks.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3240 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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