Does North korea seem to be purposely teasing the US?
Check these recent developments via CNN;
Missile launch - falls in the Sea of Japan
Mig flys into South Korea
Seems like some are bending backwards to avoid the whole idea of war:
Roh himself avoided mention of the incident at his swearing in, but said the region was at an "historical turning point."
He called the security environment "rather unsettling" and urged Pyongyang to "abandon nuclear development."
"If it renounces its nuclear development program, we and the international community will offer them many things that they want," he said.
Roh added, "This is the time to make a determined effort to safeguard peace and have it firmly rooted on the peninsula."
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
North Korea has been involved with the USA before and so this is just a turn around because they feel that having nuclear weapons will make them all powerful in the region. I do not know why the world is not making more out of it with them rather than Saddam, who seems to be basically a sitting duck at the moment. I would hate to see the USA clean up Iraq only to be stuck with a worst problem of North Korea pointing a missile at us.
Hmmm.... how come the US is not playing bully here?
USA Today:
U.S. will wait out N. Korea situation
Bush administration officials expect North Korea to escalate its nuclear
confrontation with the United States by beginning to reprocess spent
nuclear fuel in the coming days or weeks, but the United States will not
respond militarily, administration and congressional sources say.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
Let the little runt simmer a while and take care of Saddam. Then deal with him.
Besides, the runt HAS a nuke, and is wacko enough to use it.
Strategy dictates to eliminate the current threat. All of our troops are already in position there. Don't lose focus. Take out Sadaam.
Besides the runt is lobbying for money, not war. He has done it before. He probably won't do anything that will really drive the US from the table.
But were it me, I would pull all 37,000 troops out of South Korea (ungrateful, spoiled brats) and let China deal with him.
China is sitting back laughing, because the focus is on us. They are keeping quiet, letting us take the heat.
He is their pit bull. If we pull out and say to 'heck' with it, China would jerk his chain real hard.
But the US is too interested in being a major player over there to do that.
But the US is too interested in being a major player over there to do that. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
Where did you get the idea that any country engaged in international politics does anything out of friendship?
Everything that is done is because of national interests. This is not your local YMCA, where we are all just hanaging out playing basketball.
Friendship has nothing to do with anything. Mutual interests are the only consideration.
Where did you get the idea that any country engaged in international politics does anything out of friendship? |
if a nation agrees to support the US in something then it is usually because of money and not because of friendship. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
You just reiterated my statement in a different way.
"Friends" based on mutual interests. In the case of countries, national interests.
At any rate, North Korea is definately a threat, but let us not over react here.
One must remember that North Korea sits in China's border. While China is remaing quiet at the moment, you don't seriously believe they will allow the pompadour hairdo punk to start firing off nukes in their own back yard do you?
If he REALLY started something like that China would crush him like a cockroach. They are not stupid.