I was shocked, but mildly happy that Kofi Annan stood up to the US. What makes him great is that he was able to restrain himself completely until he is no longer the head of the U.N. He was able to remain objective on the world stage until the proper time for person opinions. I hope his successor can do the same and remember to do whats best for everyone and not just cater to the big countries.
Name: Helper
Comments: United Nations,Is a good Idea, and is useful in some situations but as usual, getting a consensus can be and most of the time is a Bear..A lot of time the U.S.cannot be waiting for the Hem and Hawing of the United Nations and must act appropriately when it comes to Major Crisis.
And some times, the U.S. needs to step back and listen to the opinions and feelings of the rest of the world and realize that this is a big world, and we aren't the leader of the world, only our country. We should listen to the U.N. and respect other countries sovereignty.
It would be a lot easier for me if the UN Budget didn't look like this the last time the information was released to the public:
Table 2: Other Notable Contributions to the UN Regular Budget as of June 2006 Nation or Grouping Assessed Percentage Amount in US Dollars United States 22.00 $423,464,855 Japan 19.47 $374,727,900 Germany 8.66 $147,825,532 United Kingdom 6.13 $104,563,268 France 6.03 $102,907,868 Italy 4.89 $83,367,319 Canada 2.81 $48,006,605 Spain 2.52 $43,006,274 China 2.05 $35,036,460 Mexico 1.88 $32,135,243 The G-77 9.64 $185,554,600 The Lowest 128 Contributors 0.966 $18,593,956 |
Russia 1.10 $18,772,580 |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Name: James
Comments:O K I don't see what all the fuss is about I have been in the military for 1 1/2 now and I'm sorry but the US is above the other countries and even the UN we are the only country that will get up and actually do something about the terrorism and end all the radical regimes that have been giving us problems for so many years. And since when is it bad for us to control something like the UN, the reason we control it is cause everyone looks up to us and whats some kind of leadership, if we set the example and stand up on our own feet with or with out any ones help other countries will take a hold of this idea and stop the regimes that have for so long been bothering us.
U.N. General Assembly repudiates Trump on Jerusalem decision despite his threat of U.S. Aid cutoff. The General Assembly voted 128-9 with 35 abstentions on a resolution calling for Jerusalem's status to be decided through negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital on Dec. 6. Ref. USAToday.
Time to get out of the UN and stop paying these free-loaders to dis the USA, at every turn. While the UN is dominated by OPEC countries and their puppets, the US and Japan are footing the bill for all their idiocies. The other two veto countries- China and Russia - are not even contributing 10% of what the USA does annually. Defund the UN!