First of all guys and gals, the UN was created primarily to provide a place where soverign nations could talk rather than shoot. |
All members of the Security Council have, at vaarious times, initiated military action either without the sanction or against the wishes of the UN. |
What's the problem with North Korea? We have three nuclear subs sitting right off his coastline. If he wants to break bad, then bye bye runt. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
I knew I could count on you for a quick response. Â ;)
The truth is that President Bush doesn't give a rat's behind what the UN thinks about it- and neither do I.
They are a bunch of prattling old women with no backbone, and always have been.
He is simply listening to Colin Powell, and playing diplomacy. "Yes, yes you guys are relevant, yes, we respect your opinion, yada yada".
Does that make it right? No, it does not. I don't see why Bush is even bothering with all this- except that it is giving General Franks time to position his troops just like he wants them.
You betcha that's a peacemaker. The reason I know about those subs is because the Navy let China know about them- just so you know, bub!
That knowledge makes the decision-makers deliberate very carefully when making decisions.
Listen, LDS, I know that it sounds like I like war, but I don't. I really don't. I have been in the millitary, I was in a war, and I don't like it. I don't ever want to do it again.
But I know for a fact that being weak and backing down will not help you when confronting violent people.
I just read over the first part of your original post again. You asked what was the rush.
I think (my opinion here) that the real rush is, if the USA acts now, they reveal the secret oil deals that Russia, France and Turkey have with Saddam. I think that the USA has developed some connections with Iraqui exiles who are poised to go in and form the new government, very pro US.
Final result? USA gets world's 2nd largest oil reserves, France gets shafted on billions of dollars worth of secret debt, Russia takes the same hit, and they get egg on face for not backing the US.
The truth is that President Bush doesn't give a rat's behind what the UN thinks about it- and neither do I. They are a bunch of prattling old women with no backbone, and always have been. |
Listen, LDS, I know that it sounds like I like war, but I don't. I really don't. I have been in the millitary, I was in a war, and I don't like it. I don't ever want to do it again. But I know for a fact that being weak and backing down will not help you when confronting violent people. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
I know. We Yanks do get fired up easily and get to the chest-beating part very quickly.
There is a lot of the fighter in us.
Shoot girl, I had my first fist fight at eight years old.
When it looks like "get down" time, the blood starts boiling. I know when you get me fired up I automatically go,
"Lock and Load! Let's Rock and Roll"! And I mean right now.
But the older I get, the more measured my response gets. I am far less likely to pull a gun on you now that a few years back.
(not you, LDS, I meant "you" generically)
I know. We Yanks do get fired up easily and get to the chest-beating part very quickly. |
I am far less likely to pull a gun on you now that a few years back. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
@ Stranger... with all this you have your 'Mood' set to 'quiet'? *lol*
I think you are also using the wrong avatar, there is one in our database called 'soldier' and 'soldier2' *lol*
@ LDS_forever, I am not sure if you would want Stranger in a scenario with you, he might cut off somebody's head before they even have time to tell them your next mission. He would of probably thought Greaves was an Iraqi *lol*
Back @ Stranger... I knew someone that served in a war too. He did not like it at all. He talked about the fear that comes over you when it is dark, you cannot see anything, you wear the same pants for weeks and you don't know if you are going to die. What was it like for you?
@ UN - I want to see how they vote on it. One world power that I think is really powerful is China - is the US really friends with them or is it more of a neutral concept? I think China is a sleeping giant being awaken ever so slowly.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
But JB, I am quiet.
Really, I am a very easy person to get along with.
I have just looked some very nasty people in the eye in the course of my life and tend to be very pragmatic about certain issues.
In the RPG I enjoy playing all types. The only ones I can't do are Paladins and Clerics. Just goes too much against the grain.
I have a lot of hope for both China and Russia. This is a new era, and I hope we can get past all that cold war, we are enemies crap.
I have seen a lot of signs in both countries that are very encouraging.
But JB, I am quiet. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%