China to increase export tariffs
Beijing rejects calls to revalue currency
BEIJING, China -- China will drastically raise export tariffs on 74 categories of textile products beginning June, the government has said, in an apparent effort to meet U.S. and European demands to stem the flood of cheap Chinese goods.
Ref. https://edition.cnn.com/2005/BUSINESS/05/19...yuan/index.html
China Rejects US Tiananmen Appeal
Despite calls from many international bodies for China to release people imprisoned after the Tiananmen Square protests of 16 years ago, there are still reports of at least 250 Chinese citizens in prison. Apparently, any citizens who attempt to urge the government to account for all the people killed, injured and/or missing from the event are also subject to imprisonment for an indefinite period of time.
China claims that this is entirely their own business, and for everyone else to leave them alone.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
See below quote. With predictions of a future US / China war all we can do is sit back and wonder how that would turn out - folks - it will not be nice. The question is... will the US really stand up to defend Taiwan?
NOTE: There is another thread dealing with the actual friction between China / Taiwan, this thread is dealing with the US and China.
China is building its military forces faster than U.S. intelligence and military analysts expected, prompting fears that Beijing will attack Taiwan in the next two years, according to Pentagon officials. U.S. defense and intelligence officials say all the signs point in one troubling direction: Beijing then will be forced to go to war with the United States, which has vowed to defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack. Ref. https://www.washtimes.com/specialreport/200...22138-1088r.htm |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
I don't believe China will go to war with Taiwan for some years now. It wouldn't make sense for China who are booming and will inevitably take over as the world's dominant superpower if they quietly achieve.
I also find it hillarious that whoever wrote that report said:
"Beijing then will be forced to go to war with the United States, which has vowed to defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack." |
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
I personally have friends in China and Singapore and I find them highly intelligent and quite capable people.I do not feel china will try to push its military surperiority in the region. In the future I see China and quite possibly India as being the worlds only superpowers due to their obvious economic potential as American jobs are continuously being lost to cheaper foreign labor she is destined to become the black sheep of the world getting little sympathy from her world neighbors due to her past treatment of such counties as Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam,and the countless other sovereign nations she has bullied and threatened since she came to be.
Message Edited! Persephone: Corrected spelling and grammar. |
Nonamecowboy, with all due respect, just because your friends are 'nice' or 'intelligent' does not mean that a probable conflict such as this must be automatically dismissed. This is by no means a recent topic... look at this old web page:
Washington, Nov. 17 (CNA) The United States faces the possibility of a nuclear "Pearl Harbor" after President Bill Clinton okayed the ceding of US control over the Panama Canal and with seemingly growing Chinese influence there, warned Thomas H. Moorer, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Wednesday. Pointing to the fact that Panama has signed a 50-year lease for two ports at each end of the Canal with Hong Kong's Hutchison Whampoa company, run by Li Ka-shing, who is closely associated with the Beijing regime, Moore said this "gives China's Communist Party de facto control over the most strategic waterway in the West." Moorer, illustrating a scenario where the US Navy is blocked from moving through the Panama Canal and Communist Chinese missiles and J-11 attack jets are poised to launch from Panama, said that Beijing could intimidate the US into surrendering Taiwan, Panama and other strategic concerns without a shot being fired. [..] "The notion that a US president and Congress could allow the Panama Canal to fall under the control of our avowed enemies, the Red Chinese -- without a shot being fired -- is incredible. Yet we are just days away from that nightmare," wrote the admiral, who served under six US presidents and completed two terms as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Ref. https://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/...-11-18-99-5.htm |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
I don't think either China nor the US are interested in a war. US companies make way too much money out of China's burgeoning economy.
I think a lot of this rhetoric is just postering, it makes no sense for either side to start a war. It is not in their national interests.
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
Chinese General Warns of Nuclear Conflict over Taiwain
Zhu said China would prepare itself for the destruction of all of its cities east of Xian - a city in central China - while "the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds ... of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese." |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%