Amerindians Call For Public Holiday

Amerindians Call Public Holiday - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 25th Oct, 2009 - 12:13am

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21st Oct, 2009 - 2:05am / Post ID: #

Amerindians Call For Public Holiday

What are your thoughts for Amerindians in Trinidad and Tobago who are requesting a day to celebrate their heritage?

Attached Image QUOTE
Indigenous people have called on the Government to give them a one-time public holiday as they celebrated Amerindian Day last Wednesday. After dawn, the indigenous community held a ritual ceremony at the monument area of the Arima Savannah, where they paid tribute to their ancestors who were killed by the Spanish conquistadores in the 16th century. Following the ceremony, chief/ president of the Santa Rosa Carib Community Ricardo Barat Fernandez led his people in a street procession through Arima. Spectators stopped to enquire about the celebration and many expressed interest in knowing about the history of the indigenous people.

Chief responds
In an interview, Fernandez said a public holiday should be given by the Government to honour the contribution of the Amerindians. "People are not aware of our history and that is why we need a public holiday. We can even have a one-off public holiday. People are working and busy and it's difficult to reach them so that they could support this. The indigenous heritage needs a public holiday or a one off, so the country can stop and recognise our indigenous past," Fernandez said. He said if a public holiday was given, the Carib community could organise a heritage day...

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25th Oct, 2009 - 12:13am / Post ID: #

Holiday Public Call Amerindians

I think they can have a day set aside for them without making it a holiday. There are lenty days like that, take "World Food Day" for instance. Some places do something special but don't call it a holiday. We have enough holidays in T&T.

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