USA vs Syria - Page 3 of 54

Deeply Disturbing? President Bush calls for - Page 3 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 21st Oct, 2005 - 8:32pm

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versus U.S.A. Is Syria the next Iraq?
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Post Date: 10th Mar, 2005 - 8:49pm / Post ID: #

USA vs Syria
A Friend

USA vs Syria - Page 3

Syria isn't really a threat...unlike Iran..which has all the trappings of a major power Syria is economically in shambles militarily it'd probably be defeated in 10 days by israel..but Israel couldn't hold on to it ..which is the problem. The US's real problem is Iran..and Iran is playing for high stakes..

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Post Date: 26th May, 2005 - 4:06pm / Post ID: #

USA vs Syria
A Friend

Syria USA

Bush invading Syria would be crazy (or so I think). I mean, hasn't he learned from the previous disaster - Iraq - that this would be more waste of US money. Anyhow, it's not the US losing its money that concerns me, it's innocent Syrians losing their lives that I'm not too happy about. It's most unlikely that Bush will enter Syria, though, because they don't have sufficient oil resources to make in the invasion worth it.

13th Oct, 2005 - 2:23am / Post ID: #

USA vs Syria History & Civil Business Politics

Remember: Some news links may expire within 24-48 hours.

A Leading Syrian Minister Dies, Apparently a Suicide

Published: October 13, 2005

JIDDA, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 12 - Ghazi Kanaan, Syria's powerful interior minister and the Syrian government's key man in Lebanon for two decades, was found dead, apparently a suicide, in his Damascus office on Wednesday, the official Syrian news agency SANA reported.

Mr. Kanaan, 63, was one of several figures interrogated by a United Nations investigator last month about the killing of Mr. Hariri and 21 others in Beirut in February, deaths that many Lebanese, as well as members of the Bush administration, believe was the work of Syrian officials. A preliminary report of the investigation is due out this month.

President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, who has repeatedly denied any involvement in Mr. Hariri's death, said in an interview on CNN taped Wednesday morning before Mr. Kanaan's death was announced that if any members of his government were implicated in the Hariri killing, "they should be punished."

"If it's not internationally, they will be punished in Syria," he said. "This is treason."

The SANA report of Mr. Kanaan's death gave no details, but an aide to Mr. Kanaan told reporters on Wednesday evening that Mr. Kanaan had shot himself in the mouth.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End Snip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This looks to me like a symbolic killing -- to be shot "in the mouth" the same day he interviewed with CNN? That just doesn't seem a suicide, in my opinion. What else will happen in Syria before the true events are revealed?

Attached Image Edited: FarSeer on 13th Oct, 2005 - 2:24am

International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 ActivistPoliticianAmbassador 59.5%

Post Date: 13th Oct, 2005 - 10:39pm / Post ID: #

USA vs Syria
A Friend

Page 3 Syria USA

It's hard to imagine that as thin as our armed forces are spread out that our political leaders would embark on another war front. Granted, most of the terrorists operating in Iraq at this time crossed the border from Syria and Iran.

19th Oct, 2005 - 6:38pm / Post ID: #

Syria USA

At this time, terrorists seem to be using any country as a base and means to execute their evil plans, I doubt a place like Syria could be spared. In fact, it is not necessary to declare war openly in order to infiltrate and take out the scum wherever they are hiding. Most likely the US is already evaluating the necessity of hiring locals to do the task.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 21st Oct, 2005 - 4:37am / Post ID: #

USA vs Syria
A Friend

USA vs Syria

Another war? You have to be kidding me. We let the terrorists into Iraq in the first place by taking out Saddam. Saddam and Bin Laden hated each other because military dictatorship is completely against muslim code. Religious leadership is the way most of the muslim countries are run.

Iran is the biggest threat not Syria? Why, because they told us they don't have to prove they aren't bad and that they are going to make decisions about their own country that is best for them despite what we say? They wont do what we say so we invade.

Even if Syria is harboring terrorists, we don't need to be going in there. We can secure the Iraq Syria border and make sure they cant use it as a staging ground, but war should be out of the question. Enough of our bullying, sending our young men to die. Syria and Iran are not threats to our freedom.

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21st Oct, 2005 - 7:27pm / Post ID: #

USA Syria - Page 3

QUOTE (konquererz @ 21-Oct 05, 12:37 AM)
Even if Syria is harboring terrorists, we don't need to be going in there. We can secure the Iraq Syria border and make sure they cant use it as a staging ground, but war should be out of the question. Enough of our bullying, sending our young men to die. Syria and Iran are not threats to our freedom.

Please, we can't even secure our own borders. To suggest we can simply secure these borders really is a bit simplistic and unrealistic in my mind. I don't know what the answer is. I certainly don't want to go to war with Syria and/or Iran, but at the same time they are battling with us in Iraq. I think, for me, it depends upon exactly what is meant by harboring. If this is happening and they can't do anything about it, that is one thing. However, if this is happening and they simply choose not to do something about it, that is another matter entirely.

International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 ActivistPoliticianDiplomat 32%

Post Date: 21st Oct, 2005 - 8:32pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

USA Syria Politics Business Civil & History - Page 3

Deeply Disturbing?

President Bush calls for United Nations to convene after "deeply disturbing" report implicates Syrian officials in assassination.

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