It looks like Syria has 'understood the message' given by the US and UK.
From Deseret News:
In a significant concession to Bush administration demands, Syrian President
Bashar Assad has begun closing down the offices of some militant Palestinian
groups in Damascus and will consider cooperating in a new Mideast peace process,
Secretary of State Colin Powell said Saturday.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
Man, I am quite prophetic ..... see the 2nd post on this thread where I said the US may be expanding the 'Axis of Evil' club. ;)
Syria is one step away from being added to the list of countries that form President Bush's axis of evil, the Washington hawks warn.
Now, this particular thread may be active again ...
I don't think Bush would risk another war this close to the next U.S. election. Maybe if he is reelcted (I don't think he will because of the economy situation) I hope there will be no more war in the mideast. Suddam was a bad man and someone had to do it but I fear though we have taken out one enemy we may have gained many more from our actions.
In my personal opinion, the next target of the US will not be Syria, but Iran. Iran is already very close to being capable of creating Nuclear Arms. Although we did 'allow' North Korea to become Nuclear Armed, I doubt very much if we will allow it to happen in such a volatile area as the mideast, particularly not a country that has sworn to wipe out Israel. It is my guess that either Israel or the US will very soon give airstrikes to wipe out Iran's capability of having/obtaining nuclear weapons. Whether or not this will lead to a larger conflict remains to be seen, but my best guess would be yes. This would explain Bush 'calling home from Europe' between 70,000 to 80,000 troops for 'repositioning'. Notice there hasn't been a lot of talk yet as to where these troops are going to be 'repositioned' TO? Don't forget that there is a precedent for striking a mideast country gaining nuclear capability...some years ago, Israel did it to Iraq.
The Bush administration recalled the U.S. ambassador to Syria on Tuesday to protest what it sees as Syria's role in the murder of the former prime minister of Lebanon, as violent anti-Syrian protests erupted in Beirut and several other Lebanese cities.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...12487%2C00.html