Israel vs. USA

Israel Vs Usa - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 12th Dec, 2004 - 5:33pm

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U.S.A. vs. Israel vs USA
8th Jul, 2003 - 5:20pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs. USA

WAR: Israel vs. USA

I was surprised to read about it as it was before my time, and they are only now getting some results, was the US and Israel enemies at one time:

From Wolf Blitzer of CNN:

Attached Image QUOTE
On June 7, 1967, Israel launched an attack on the USS
Liberty that resulted in the deaths of 34 crew members and
wounding of more than 170
. Whether the attack was
intentional or accidental has been a controversial topic
for decades. The National Security Agency is now releasing
intelligence that could answer some pressing questions.
We'll bring you an exclusive look at Israeli communications
intercepted during the attack.

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21st Sep, 2003 - 6:06pm / Post ID: #

USA vs Israel

I was just thinking about how the US always seems to back Israel, but the question is...

Is it possible for the Israelis to do something so bad that the US would just leave them alone?

So far the US has proven that it will back Israel even if it meant standing against the world.

7th May, 2004 - 5:47pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs. USA Judaism Studies

It is interesting, but I recently learned that the Israelis have an extremely different point of view.

I just subscribed to a mailing list by a prominent Israeli author, Naomi Ragen. Then I found her website, and began to peruse some articles she has written. According to her (being on the ground, in the war zone), US pressure on Israel to use diplomacy with the Arabs rather than extreme force is the cause of most of the terrorist-caused deaths in Israel for the last several years.

Her words make a lot of sense, in that recent history has shown (IMO) that the Arab organizations react extremely well to force. They make a lot of noise, say a lot of things, but a strong military response has almost always stopped the run of attacks, at least for a while.

So, while the rest of the world (and a large minority in the US) thinks that Israel and the US are in lockstep, we can see that to the common person in Israel, that isn't the case, in fact, the US is a danger to Israel.

Brings up some interesting thoughts on national sovereignity as it relates to Isreal.

Post Date: 7th May, 2004 - 8:54pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs. USA
A Friend

USA vs Israel

I really cant see why America would attack Israel, and what sort of bad thing could it do to get America against it?

7th May, 2004 - 9:27pm / Post ID: #

USA vs Israel

It isn't really about the US "attacking" Israel, it is more about the fact that there really is some friction between us.

From my religious point of view, I don't think that the US will ever really turn against Israel, but that the US will, for some reason, become impotent to protect Israel, and Israel will have to protect herself. When she does, the Arab world is NOT going to like the results. After all, it was the US that stopped Israel from going a lot further in 1967 and 1973, after the sneak attacks against them. It was mostly the US that made Israel return the Suez Canal and the Sinai to Egypt.

11th Dec, 2004 - 3:38am / Post ID: #

Israel vs. USA

I don't think the US made them do it, it only helped Israel get to that decision. If Israel wouldn't have wanted to stop with the attacks in 1967, it probably wouldn't have even with the onvolvement of the US. And I'm not sure if the Arabs will be that dissapointed - yes, Israel would be less restrained, but it will also get less money and weapons from the US.

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11th Dec, 2004 - 2:24pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs. USA

I didn't mean that the Arab world would be disappointed, I meant that when they attack Israel, and the US is not attempting to restrain Israel, the Arabs will find that they just don't have the capabilities, nor the cajones to deal with what Israel will dish out to them.

Of course, this is just my opinion. After all, Israelis aren't really supermen. Or are they?

:rifle: :ninja: :rifle:

12th Dec, 2004 - 5:33pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs. USA Studies Judaism

I don't think that the US will ever really turn against Israel,

Let's suppose that the master mind and responsibles for the 9/11 attacks were you think Bush would not have gone to Israel and bomb them as he did in Afghanistan?

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