The Road

The Road - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 23rd Jan, 2010 - 4:21am

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The Road
16th Jan, 2010 - 2:24am / Post ID: #

The Road

The Road is a brilliant movie. I am reminded by Haiti and the conflicts there. The Road covers how humankind changes when the most basic of necessities cannot be met. The beauty of the movie though is the love between a father and his son as they struggle for survival in a world where no one cares and most have become savage. Then ending makes you think and wonder. It also made me think about my ability and the individual ability of each of my family members to survive in a harsh environment. Actually, "The Road" will be questioning you a lot of times with What would you do? This movie is a must see, I even plan on watching it again at some point.

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18th Jan, 2010 - 11:44pm / Post ID: #

Road The

This was totally excellent. I was really scared for the father and his son cause those situations looked totally desperate. What I want to know was why did the guy from the truck go so far from the other guys just to take a piss, seemed kind of unusual.

19th Jan, 2010 - 3:18am / Post ID: #

The Road Sports & Fashion Music Movies

The easy way to probably answer that is to ask why not. Maybe he just wanted to look out but really it is a movie and there needed to be a facility for what happens next.

The key of this movie is 'The Road'. If you notice the father and son were constantly on the road rather than off of it, therefore they were always meeting trouble. They were on a road when they met with the same lot of men.

What I am curious about is the ending mostly and the family the boy meets. Are they good or are they bad?

Post Date: 19th Jan, 2010 - 3:58am / Post ID: #

Road The

Name: Franklin

Comments: In the book the boy doesn't meet this family so soon after his father dies. Maybe because they didn't want to make the movie any longer they put it like this. I got the feeling from the book as well that the boy found a good family.

19th Jan, 2010 - 1:38pm / Post ID: #

Road The

I did not read the book but I did find it suspicious that the mother said they were following the father and son for awhile because they were so worried for him. This means the boy's father was right - they were being followed.

I also found it interesting that the thumbs of certain people were missing - what is the cause of that (Eli and the guy at the end of movie)?

20th Jan, 2010 - 12:08am / Post ID: #

The Road

One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. The only thing I had problems with was the ending. I wanted more out of it. I guess the idea was to make you guess what happens after but after such a long journey with these characters you feel like you're left hanging.

As for the family. The man the boy meets is a veterinarian and you can see he had a long range rifle. If he wanted to take out the father or the boy he could have done that a long time ago.

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20th Jan, 2010 - 3:57am / Post ID: #

The Road

Yeah you're probably right JB. Sometimes I don't think about the restrictions movie productions have like limited time an all. What they did for the Road workout fine though, like I said it was totally excellent.

23rd Jan, 2010 - 4:21am / Post ID: #

The Road Movies Music Fashion & Sports

What a film! I did not cry on this movie but my heart was aching the whole time seeing the pain of the father and son. I thought it was very interesting how the father referred to his child as "the boy" rather than "my son". The child went through so many traumatic events that I couldn't believe he could still be such a sweet and innocent child.

Of course, like any other Hollywood movie they gave it some sort of good ending when the boy finds what he may perceive at that time as a "typical" family with a mother, a father, children and even a dog.

The acting was very credible and I think we are seeing a film that promises many awards.

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