If You Have A Question About The Gospel...

If Question Gospel - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 11th Jun, 2010 - 2:33pm

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27th Oct, 2009 - 3:55pm / Post ID: #

If You Have A Question About The Gospel...

I know we all have to take things we want to know to the Lord in prayer, but you know its not with everything. I won't take to the Lord in prayer a question about how man deacons make up a quorum cause there's an answer for that. My question is who do you take your questions too when you want to know something about the gospel? I like to check Google. Yeah call me crazy but thats how I found this site and I've found a lot of other things too that I thought I knew but didn't.

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27th Oct, 2009 - 6:00pm / Post ID: #

Gospel The Question Have If

I think that a forum like this one can be a good place to ask questions. You may get differing opinions, but that will allow you to then seek deeper understanding through research and prayer.

28th Oct, 2009 - 4:11pm / Post ID: #

If You Have A Question About The Gospel... Studies Doctrine Mormon

I agree with Nighthawk but sometimes I read some of the posts members make and I end up having more questions. Sites like this just tell me I don't know as much as I thought.

I also ask my husband and sometimes if there's the opportunity in Relief Society I may bring up a question depending on who the teacher is that Sunday.

28th Oct, 2009 - 5:51pm / Post ID: #

Gospel The Question Have If

There are a couple of people I trust who also happen to have a wide knowledge about the Gospel so I usually ask them.

2nd Nov, 2009 - 6:00am / Post ID: #

Gospel The Question Have If

Usually I start out figureing out what I do know about the subject. I go look up things in what books I have around, Gospelink is also good to search for things (Its orgnaized by topic) and even lds.org is able to search things out. Meaning I go as far as I can and figure out where the wholes are in my knowledge. Now that I know what is missing I know what I need to seek out and find. I ask others at church that I feel might know, I'm not always expecting the other person to know the answer, its more to just bounce ideas or see if there is something I'm missing.

Usually just pondering about it enough and studying it out I come to the conculstion that there isn't an set answer at this time. Its one of those things we just won't know until the next life.

11th Jun, 2010 - 2:33pm / Post ID: #

If You Have A Question About The Gospel...

What can I say folks I ain't just fine with praying and hoping. I look, research hours, days or months if necessary for the answer. Wasn't the Church the one who used to boast that it has the answer for all the questions people have? What happened with that?

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