Historic Symbols Revived?

Historic Symbols Revived - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 9th Apr, 2003 - 6:55pm

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9th Apr, 2003 - 11:28am / Post ID: #

Historic Symbols Revived?

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Do you feel that old symbols that have 'lost' through war, etc. Should be revived because someone says it is 'freedom of speech'? Should it be shown or given 'respect' if it is a symbol of hate or evil?

From USA Today:

international QUOTE

Georgia House votes to change state flag
The Georgia House voted Tuesday to change the state flag and set up a
Possible referendum on the Confederate battle emblem. If the Senate also
Approves the bill, Georgia would take down the current flag, which was
Changed in 2001 to shrink the rebel cross.

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Post Date: 9th Apr, 2003 - 1:23pm / Post ID: #

Historic Symbols Revived?
A Friend

Revived Symbols Historic

To begin with, that symbol is far older than the Third Reich.
It has metaphysical meanings that date back thousands of years. Hitler only borrowed it for his flag.

9th Apr, 2003 - 1:47pm / Post ID: #

Historic Symbols Revived? History & Civil Business Politics

To begin with, that symbol is far older than the Third Reich.
It has metaphysical meanings that date back thousands of years

:spock: Yes oh great wise one, you can actually see that same symbol in the Hindu belief system, it means 'the eternal realm' of things. BUT, that is not the question of this thread, it was only shown as an example.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3221 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

9th Apr, 2003 - 4:08pm / Post ID: #

Revived Symbols Historic

Do you feel that old symbols that have 'lost' through war, etc. Should be revived because someone says it is 'freedom of speech'? Should it be shown or given 'respect' if it is a symbol of hate or evil?

Of course not, it doesn't matter if in the begining certain symbols were intented to be good but if after someone used it for evil, making a big impact of it, it should not be used anymore as a respect for the people who were closely touched by that.

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Post Date: 9th Apr, 2003 - 4:59pm / Post ID: #

Historic Symbols Revived?
A Friend

Revived Symbols Historic

Let me see if I can answer you in context of the thread.
Just because some ignorant dummy views something as a symbol of evil, doesn't mean it actually is.

For instance, The Confederate Flag.
The black people don't have enough sense to realize the Civil War wasn't even remotely about them. That was Lincoln's PR.
The Southern states would never have started a war over slavery. How stupid can you get?
The war was over State's rights versus the Federal Big Brother telling everybody what to do. That was worth a war.

If the blacks view the Confederate flag as a symbol of evil, too bad for them.

If some View the Swastika as a symbol of evil, too bad for them.
Is that more in context?

9th Apr, 2003 - 6:12pm / Post ID: #

Historic Symbols Revived?

If the blacks view the Confederate flag as a symbol of evil, too bad for them.

If some View the Swastika as a symbol of evil, too bad for them.
Is that more in context?

I guess you know you're very controversial. I assume you're not black or jew, that's why it seems you don't care much the feeling of the people that felt involved in all this.  But anyhow,  it's funny I do understand your point and it's a valid one. But the thing is that people who shows a Confederate Flag for instance even though is not technically wrong based on the historical point of view, it' wrong because the people that used it it's to MAKE the point that they don't like blacks! and some of them even support slavery. The same with the Swastika, tell me one person with common sense that is going to use that symbol as a sign of eternal realms of things? come on! you will see certain individuals like skin heads and other anti-semites groups using it. The two symbols you mentioned are not wrong but the people that use it do it to show their hate and dislike for a group of individuals. That's wrong, people should be more considering and caring about other's people feelings such is the case of survivors of Holocaust. Can you imagine knowing your next door neighboor is a survivor of Auschwitz you go and put a Swastika flag outside? you think that's nothing wrong with it and if he (your neighboor) thinks it's an evil symbol, too bad for him'. Can you imagine the pain, the sadness, the torture this person will go through seeing that flag every single day?. We should think more about others, just because these symbols are not technically wrong it doesnt make them acceptable,  they're mostly used to make a hateful point, everybody knows that and people suffer seeing this...
Now, do we care about that or not?

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9th Apr, 2003 - 6:30pm / Post ID: #

Historic Symbols Revived

@ Stranger, I see what you are tying to say, but I guess it the answer to you would be one word only...


International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3221 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 9th Apr, 2003 - 6:55pm / Post ID: #

Historic Symbols Revived?
A Friend

Historic Symbols Revived Politics Business Civil & History

@ Stranger, I see what you are tying to say, but I guess it the answer to you would be one word only...


I admit I probably could use some lessons in empathy,
annnnnd, I can understand the hatred and fear generated by the Nazi flag (a lot more than the ruckus about the Confederate).

But I do get impatient with uninformed, and sometimes completely off-the-wall  opinions. A failing of mine, I guess.

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> TOPIC: Historic Symbols Revived?


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