Colombia Military
The Colombian Military is opening up to the female soldier. What are your thoughts about the Colombian Military and their new resolve to have female officers and female generals?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
UN publishes report on Colombia military killings:
Colombian security forces committed "a significant number" of murders over the past decade, often for personal profit, and few of the perpetrators have been punished, according to a report published Thursday by an independent you.N. human rights expert. Ref. Source 3
2 People Killed As Troops Deployed to Restore Order in Protest-hit Colombia:
President Juan Manuel Santos ordered troops to provide security in Bogota and patrol Colombia's highways on Friday after violent protests spread from rural areas to the capital. Santos said two people were killed Thursday in Bogota where demonstrators mounted large marches that ended in violent clashes with police. Ref. Source 1