Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?

Iraq Disarm Show Arms War - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 5th Jan, 2003 - 4:57pm

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14th Nov, 2002 - 9:15pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?

What are your thoughts? It seems that we are back to the old days with Bush junior up against the same enemy of his father. How will the tables turn this time. Will the USA do a job of finishing what its former President did not end?

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Post Date: 26th Nov, 2002 - 3:13pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?
A Friend

War Arms Show Disarm Iraq

Bush Senior did end what he wanted to do, that was get Iraq out of Kuwait.  After that was over Saddam was to allow UN weapons inspectors into Iraq to disarm him.  This was happening.  It was not till Bill Clinton came into the White House that Saddam started to fiddle around and get away with it (but of course we know that Saddam could get away with it because Billy was up to no good either)

The outcome is left to be seen, but I can say simple fact is Iraq is already playing the word games again.  And no the United States is not just going to bomb no matter what happens.  Saddam is going to play games he is then going to get the bombs flying at him.  I can't believe some people are so naive as to think that the United States will bomb him no matter what, if that were the case we already would have done it. (With the exception of the times we bomb the anti aircraft machines that shoot at us)

26th Nov, 2002 - 7:33pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War? History & Civil Business Politics

[quote]And no the United States is not just going to bomb no matter what happens.  Saddam is going to play games he is then going to get the bombs flying at him.  I can't believe some people are so naive as to think that the United States will bomb him no matter what, if that were the case we already would have done it. (With the exception of the times we bomb the anti aircraft machines that shoot at us) [/quote]

With all respect Brian, I think you're the naive. Come on, you are starting to get me worried. Do you really think that way about your government?. USA is going to bomb Iraq, that's a fact. Now if you can see it or not coming up, that's another thing. Listen, Pres. Bush is a polititian or you forgot?. I would be very concern if you really think everything a polititian does is for the people! because that will say that  you're the perfect audience for polititians( you know, blind eyes and blind ears people in what really is going on). So far, I didn't see you saying anything that Bush does is wrong, that's why I'm saying this. But knowing the way you feel about republicans I'm pretty much sure you will defend republicans to death and attack democrats when they're in power, regardless of  the performance of both parties...

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 18th Dec, 2002 - 12:46am / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?
A Friend

War Arms Show Disarm Iraq

my opinion is there will be alot of blood spilled ,,over some crazy war bascily about power and greed how sad  :'(

18th Dec, 2002 - 3:21pm / Post ID: #

War Arms Show Disarm Iraq

You're totally right eyes. I feel very sad about it. Innocent people being killed every day just because of greed....

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

21st Dec, 2002 - 11:59am / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?

The Latest is...


President Bush says the Iraqi arms declaration "was not encouraging" and the United States "will fulfill the terms and conditions" of the U.N. resolution calling on Saddam Hussein to disarm. Meanwhile, military sources say Bush has essentially signed off on a plan to deploy 50,000 U.S. troops to the Persian Gulf region and Bush postponed a trip to Africa due in part to the situation with Iraq.

It now seems war is more and more inevitable. Now instaead of asking if there will be war or not we need to ask what will be the outcome of the war. The BBC was saying that a possible plot by IRAQ is to use chemical weapons against its own people and put women and children in strategic areas (places that would most likely be bombed) so that Saddam can then say, "You see - you bomb and kill innocent women and children."

We know from experience that the USA never enters a fighting ground with troops at first. They always send in the airforce to bomb the area until they are so ravished that when the troops come in they just have to 'clean up'. Will it be like that for this battle?

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3rd Jan, 2003 - 3:42pm / Post ID: #

Iraq Disarm Show Arms War

Okay here we are... inspectors check out 'everything' and give an answer that Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction... does the USA still have the right to invade?

From CNN:


The director of Iraq's monitoring agency says five weeks and 230 inspections
prove Iraq no longer has weapons of mass destruction. "We hope that this is a
start point [to] think correctly and give the Iraqi people their rights to
live without embargo, without sanctions," said Gen. Hossam Mohammed Amin.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 5th Jan, 2003 - 4:57pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?
A Friend

Iraq Disarm Show Arms War Politics Business Civil & History

as for me Saddam can burn in hell for all I care hope they do it right this time!

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