You want more government?
According to Colin Powell 'Americans want more government' and don't mind paying taxes. Riiiiiight. Powell is only about 100% wrong on that and polls demonstrate Americans overwhelming desire for smaller government. In this week's Beck Talks, Glenn shreds the claim that Americans want more government and more taxes. Ref. Source 6
The Impossible Rehab of Colin Powell
By Ray McGovern
Powell's well-documented disregard for those who have borne the brunt of the battle places him in the company of the priest and the Levite - in the Good Samaritan parable - who, seeing the man attacked by robbers on the side of the road, walked right on by. Ref. Source 1
Not that I am a huge fan of Colin Powell or anything. In fact, I feel quite a lot of disdain for him and his contempt for all things conservative.
However, the article referenced above is pretty much a long pacifist rehash of nothing. The writer's contention is that Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan were uncalled for, and so anyone involved in them is heartless and only interested in political power. I didn't read anything in that article that was useful in any way.
Colin Powell appears to be a good man. However, he claims to be a Republican but acts like a Democrat and works towards making the Republican party act like the Democrat party (Lite). That is my real disagreement with him.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
Have you ever recognized that this is what the Republicans need, a man like Powell, who can keep them from being so closed minded. Who won the last election, it's obvious there needs to be change. Powell should run for President or at least Vice President.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 26 2.6%
I do not recognize that the Republicans need Colin Powell. Every time that the Republicans have supported conservatism, they have won. Every time they have embraced Democrat-Lite, they have lost.
This last election wasn't won by Barak Obama so much as it was lost by the "moderates" in the Republican party. They pushed out all conservatives, and moved to the "middle". The real problem is that what is now defined as the "middle" of the political spectrum was considered the far left not too long ago. What is now considered the far right was recently considered the middle of the road.
We don't need to move more to the Left, as Colin Powell desires. We need to embrace conservative principles, such as individual liberty, the god-given rights protected by the US Constitution, Constitutional law rather than judicial activism, smaller government, rejection of entitlement programs, lower taxes, decreased governmental interference with business, and a total rejection of European-style socialism.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
There are few men of integrity, Powell is one of those few. I think it's a geave mistake to believe that the constitution is wrapped up in the Republican party or vice versa. Powell shows this by abstaining from points that are just a push for power and not a push for the people. He will make a good president.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 26 2.6%
Colin L. Powell, Remarks to the United Nations Security Council:
February 5, 2003: I cannot tell you everything that we know, but what I can share with you, when combined with what all of us have learned over the years, is deeply troubling. Ref. Source 8