Steven Seagal Lawman

Steven Seagal Lawman - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 26th Nov, 2009 - 3:07am

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Reality Series
11th Nov, 2009 - 2:55am / Post ID: #

Steven Seagal Lawman

Steven Seagal Lawman

What is up with this new Steven Seagal Lawman reality series? Steven Seagal has been a cop for 20 years while acting at the same time? I wonder what is his conviction?

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11th Nov, 2009 - 3:08am / Post ID: #

Lawman Seagal Steven

He has been working with the police for twenty years in major cases. He is now a deputy sheriff. I am not sure how successful this show will be because let's be honest, his movies are disappointing. I was surprised to hear about this show because I recall many years ago he was a victim of a robbery and according to witnesses he didn't pull no aikido black belt moves but all the opposite, he was extremely afraid.

11th Nov, 2009 - 4:25am / Post ID: #

Steven Seagal Lawman Sports & Fashion Music Movies

Why would he want to become a police officer though given he makes money from his movies? His movies have been successful. I used to like to watch him as a teen, but after awhile each movie he made was too predictable and the same. Maybe we will get some answers when the series starts.

13th Nov, 2009 - 5:56pm / Post ID: #

Lawman Seagal Steven

I won't mind looking at Steven Segal Lawman. I like the COPS series so let's see if Segal can show us some real kung fu moves without giving an authograph.

Post Date: 16th Nov, 2009 - 11:13am / Post ID: #

Lawman Seagal Steven

Name: Yeniseri

Comments: I like Deputy Sheriff Seagal! He is a respected member of Law Enforcement, and as a sentient being he is striving like the rest of us to be a better citizen. How can one be against that? Hollywood is an illusion so why pay attention to something that is not real!

26th Nov, 2009 - 1:58am / Post ID: #

Steven Seagal Lawman

Attached Image QUOTE (LDS_forever)
I recall many years ago he was a victim of a robbery and according to witnesses he didn't pull no aikido black belt moves but all the opposite, he was extremely afraid.

Do you have an actual source on that or is it hearsay?

They are starting to show more previews of the the first Episode which will start next Wednesday. It looks like it will be interesting.

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26th Nov, 2009 - 2:58am / Post ID: #

Steven Seagal Lawman

My wife and I have a few TV rules. One of them is that any time we see this guy on the TV, we just keep surfing...nothing to see here. This guy has the emotional range of my pet rock. I always think of Clint Eastwood or Arnold Swartzenegger with a frontal lobotomy when I watch his movies.

26th Nov, 2009 - 3:07am / Post ID: #

Steven Seagal Lawman Movies Music Fashion & Sports

Vincenzo I take it that you are a big fan just like LDS_forever. Let's give the chance Steven Seagal needs to show us he has the stuff it takes to pull off this new reality series. As the guy being detained on the preview says,

Attached Image QUOTE ("Guy being detained")
"That's Steven Seagal... I want an autograph."

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