Britain Abortion Laws

Britain Abortion Laws - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 29th Apr, 2008 - 3:51am

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British United Kingdom Abortion Laws
25th Oct, 2002 - 9:10am / Post ID: #

Britain Abortion Laws

Britain - 35 years of LEGAL abortion!

Used by permission from the Pro-Life Group:

Subject: British Pro-Life Group Mourns 35 Years of Legal Abortion
Source: LIFE; October 24, 2002

British Pro-Life Group Mourns 35 Years of Legal Abortion

London, England -- LIFE, the national prolife charity, will this weekend commemorate on 27 October the countless numbers of both unborn children killed and women  damaged by 35 years of abortion. Written on less than two pages of Parliamentary paper, the 1967 Abortion Act has become the cruellest, most discriminatory, and deadliest piece of legislation to appear on our Statute Book.  Nuala Scarisbrick, Trustee of LIFE, commented: 'Since 1967 over six million babies have been aborted in England and Wales, not to mention the untold damage which has been done to women who have been led to believe that this "simple operation" will be the answer to all their problems. Today, one in every four pregnancies in Britain ends in an abortion, a devastating statistic. Thousands of women suffer from serious emotional and health problems caused by abortion. 

'LIFE came to life in response to the 1967 Abortion Act. Our work is carried out by people committed to upholding the utmost respect for all human life from fertilisation. LIFE respects the fundamental equal right to life of every human person, born or unborn, able-bodied or disabled, regardless of race, sex, creed or status.  'In the past 32 years, LIFE has helped almost 1 million women struggling with an unintended pregnancy. Thousands of children have been born because of LIFE's help. We have 132 LIFE Centres across the UK where non-directive counselling is offered to anyone who might need our help. Our National Hotline, staffed by experienced counsellors, is available 9am-9pm everyday. 

'We are also the largest independent supplier of supported accommodation in the UK. Our 34 houses nationwide offer accommodation for pregnant young women or young mothers. While in a LIFE House young women have the opportunity to learn new skills, and are fully supported through their pregnancy and as long afterwards as is necessary. 

'LIFE's team of professional speakers gives hundreds of talks to students on a number of different topics including abortion, cloning, designer babies and teenage sexual health. We believe that young people should be empowered with the facts and then make an informed decision on these important matters. 

'There is still so much to be done. Yet one day, hopefully in our lifetime, our nation will come to its senses and see the 1967 Abortion Act for what it really is. One day, people will look back and ask, "How could such a seemingly-civilised society pass such a terrible law?" On that happy day we will cherish and protect every one of our offspring, born and unborn. May that day come soon!'  -- Please consider a donation to help the Pro-Life Infonet. You can send it to: Women and Children First, PO Box 523143, Springfield, VA 22152.

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Post Date: 24th Dec, 2003 - 12:22am / Post ID: #

Laws Abortion Britain

Here is a hypotheses that the abortion advocate may wish to ponder... are you glad to be alive?

18th Mar, 2007 - 12:35am / Post ID: #

Britain Abortion Laws Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I think that at one time in the Uk, you were allowed to have an abortion without much thought being given to the long term after effect that it may have on the woman.
These days, there has to be counselling done prior to an abortion being granted, to help enable the pregnant woman to make her own decision armed with as much knowledge as there is to be given.

I think that a big lesson was learnt, as years after the fact, many women who had an abortion, ended up with severe mental health problems and depression.

Post Date: 23rd Nov, 2007 - 11:43am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Laws Abortion Britain

Illegal abortions still blight UK

Illegal abortions pills are still being sold in the UK, a BBC undercover investigation has discovered.

25th Nov, 2007 - 7:31pm / Post ID: #

Laws Abortion Britain

This woman has to be mental, I cannot believe her statements:

Giving birth is a burden on the world. This is according to British born, Toni Vernelli, 35, who had an abortion 10 years ago to ensure her carbon footprint would be kept to a minimum, the U.K.'s Daily Mail reported Sunday.

Vernelli -- who works for an environmental charity -- was later sterilized to help "protect the planet", the Mail reported.

"Having children is selfish. It's all about maintaining your genetic line at the expense of the planet," Vernelli told the Daily Mail, adding she believes bringing new life into the world only adds to the problem

The Mail also reported that Sara Irving, 31, also underwent sterilization to because she felt "a baby would pollute the planet".

Irving's become an environmentalist as a teenager, it was reported, when she realized saving the environment was her top and foremost priority in life. After going through several boyfriends she finally found her now husband Mark Hudson who is also an advocate of the "no kid's policy", according to the Mail.

Post Date: 25th Nov, 2007 - 9:30pm / Post ID: #

Britain Abortion Laws
A Friend

Britain Abortion Laws

I've heard of the 0% growthers, but this is new to me. Having children will damage the Earth? One question she doesn't seem to answer is how that might happen.

I'm kind of glad that she won't be having children and that she has become a genetic dead end.

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Post Date: 10th Mar, 2008 - 5:27pm / Post ID: #

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Britain Abortion Laws

Britain Sets Record for Late-Term Abortions

London, England ( -- New reports from the British government show the European nation has set a new record for the number of late-term abortions, or those abortions done after the baby is 20 weeks or more along. The nearly 3,000 such abortions represented a 44 percent increase over the number of late-term abortions 10 years ago. Late-term abortions increased from 2,041 in 1997 to 2,948 in 2006. The figures showed more of the abortions were for social rather than medical reasons and 25 percent were done because the parts did not want a baby who might be physically or mentally disabled. Ann Furedi, the chief executive of the pro-abortion British Pregnancy Advisory Service apologized for the record-setting numbers in comments to the London Sunday Telegraph. "Sometimes it is about women who are living very out-of-control lives, often with alcohol or drug problems, and sometimes it's about women whose lives have suddenly changed, whose guy has suddenly left them, so that a wanted pregnancy becomes unwanted," she said. Furedi said the record numbers weren't a problem and said many women are better off having abortions than keeping the baby. Furedi described the rise as "not necessarily bad news" given that "these are the very women for whom it would be a disaster if they were compelled to continue unwanted pregnancies."

Post Date: 29th Apr, 2008 - 3:51am / Post ID: #

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Britain Abortion Laws Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

Britain Marks 40 Years of Legalized Abortion on Sunday, No Change Likely

London, England ( -- Britain marked 40 years of legalized abortion on Sunday and pro-life advocates are concerned that no change is anywhere in sight. Britain's Abortion Act came into force 40 years ago, but women who have had abortions and regret their decisions join millions of unborn children as victims. Asked if the British government has any plans to change the abortion law, the office of Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the British government is content with virtually unlimited legal abortions. John Smeaton of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children said that's concerning news. "Sadly, there's a substantial pro-abortion majority in Parliament," he told "We sincerely hope that when the Government states that it has no plans to change the abortion law, it will seek to promote a consensus that the Human Fertilization and Embryology Bill is not used to open up the Abortion Act on the floor of Parliament," he said.

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