White House Security
Anyone saw the story about the Facebook couple that basically 'stormed' the White House uninvited to have Thanksgiving Dinner with the President and other top officials? They even took their picture with Vice President Joe Biden. How could a couple with no official invitation from the White House get in for a VP Dinner?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
You would be surprised how easy it is to get into a state dinner without an invitation. All you have to do is dress the part and look the part and walk in. Granted you still have to go through the security protocols so no weapons can be taken in. I think it is interesting that the security is not as tough at these type dinners as it should be. I have a feeling now that security will be tougher because of this.
White House crashers
By now you have seen the couple that allegedly crashed the White House for an invite only event. Details are still sketchy, but the couple now claims they were invited and that they have proof. Glenn wonders how in the world this was not cleared up in less than a day or so -- and if they weren't invited, how much danger is the President really in? Ref. Source 8
If they were not invited, they need to get a good slap with a small amount of jail time. The Secret Service has to review their procedures and if heads need to roll...then so be it. IF someone circumvented the procedure and just put them on a list without proper vetting...FIRED. No one should be able to get into a State function based on emails. Gosh...and email could be easily forged.
Should these two have been terrorist and blown up the place, we might well be addressing President Pelosi. This is nothing to shrug off lightly.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Another Uninvited
A third person was allowed into the Nov. 24 Indian state dinner uninvited. The Secret Service said in a statement the individual came in with Indian officials. Unlike Michaele and Tareq Salahi, this "crasher" did not meet President Obama. Ref. USAToday
In a follow up to this and according to Fox News, Desire Rogers, the White House Social Secretary is stepping down next month. It took awhile, usually such decisions come soon after a major disappointment.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%