Boy, 4, Mauled To Death By Pet Dog In U.k

Boy 4 Mauled Death Pet Dog U K - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 1st Dec, 2009 - 5:44pm

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30th Nov, 2009 - 11:38pm / Post ID: #

Boy, 4, Mauled To Death By Pet Dog In U.k

I used to love dogs before I had children but something about big dogs and babies/small kids just doesn't click to me. Poor kid.

Attached Image QUOTE
A four-year-old boy was mauled to death Monday by a dog in Liverpool, U.K., the Times of London reported.

The child, named John-Paul Foulkes, was attacked by a mastiff at the home he shared with his 63-year-old grandmother.

She suffered multiple bite marks as she wrestled to free her grandson from the dog's jaws. The boy was so severely injured he died at the scene.

Dog handlers and armed response officers answered an emergency at the house, where neighbors described the brown and white dog's "hellish" barking. Following a safety assessment, the animal was shot dead on the spot.

"We heard a terrible barking that went on for more than 20 minutes. It was a hellish, blood-chilling noise and we wondered what could be going on," said neighbor Lawrence Crewe...

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Post Date: 1st Dec, 2009 - 11:41am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Uk Dog Pet Death Mauled Boy

Breed inquiry into boy death dog

Police hope to discover later whether the dog which killed John Paul Massey was a breed illegal under the Dangerous Dogs Act. Ref. Source 7

1st Dec, 2009 - 2:32pm / Post ID: #

Boy, 4, Mauled To Death By Pet Dog In U.k Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

As soon as I saw the title of this thread I was betting it was a pitbull. Why parents will keep vicious dogs around their kids I don't know. The best out come of this was their shooting the dog dead on spot.

Post Date: 1st Dec, 2009 - 3:09pm / Post ID: #

Boy, 4, Mauled To Death By Pet Dog In U.k
A Friend

Uk Dog Pet Death Mauled Boy

I know many people have big dogs in order to help protect their property. I think if your going to have a big dog and children make sure you get one young enough that you can train it properly. A dog should be a good mix with the family and know that even the little kids are part of the family. I know with my kids and my big dog I trained him to the point where the kids could take food from the dog and he would not not growl or snap at them. I think this made him the dog he is today and a very good family pet. I was raised with big dogs and all out dogs I have ever had were trained the same way. I also know not to look at the more dangerous breeds to have while I have kids or in the future grand kids.

1st Dec, 2009 - 4:37pm / Post ID: #

Uk Dog Pet Death Mauled Boy

There definitely is a difference between big dogs and mean dogs. I've been attacked viciously by a chewawa but it was more of an amusement than a threat. Although if it had attacked a child I suppose the result would have been different.
In many countries big dogs are a real threat because thier owners are not responsible or purposefully making them mean. Also what happens when the dog is abandoned or breaks loose on the streets. I've heard stories of wild dog packs in larger cities that do attack people.
It's very tricky to know when or if a dog will be violent, that is the most disturbing thing I think. Sometimes they will attack without warning or provocation and previously been simple nice pets.
How you would regulate something like that is beyond me. It's virtually impossible, it must be up to the owner to look for signs of violence in the animal and even then they would most likely discount it due to thier bond with the animal.
I've heard many studies that show certain breeds are more violent than others but I wonder how much of that is due to thier upbringing and the situation they find themselves in. How many chewawas attack everyday and no one knows because they are so small?

Post Date: 1st Dec, 2009 - 5:44pm / Post ID: #

Boy, 4, Mauled To Death By Pet Dog In U.k
A Friend

Boy, 4, Mauled To Death By Pet Dog In U.k

I know that a lot of smaller dogs, commonly called ankle biters, do attack people but they are not taken into account because they are small and really do not harm people. I do know that a dog taught to be mean is more likely to attack a person while a dog that is treated well will be less likely to attack. People have to remember that all dogs regardless of size are territorial. If you belong in their territory your fine but if you do not they are going to let you know it. That does not mean they are going to bite you but they may keep you at bay long enough for their owner to se what the problem is.

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