Recent posts placed first on the list
Name: Wing
Comments: Greetings, Why not have the most recent posts placed first on the list rather than last? That way, when folks check back occasionally to see what's new, they don't have to go to the very last page - it's right there in front of them. Just a thought. Thanks for considering it.
The reason for this is because the FIRST post in a message is considered the SUBJECT of the Thread and thus is the deciding factor of whether the replies are ON or OFF Topic.
Update: This is some Emails being sent to me from a Guest using this site. The first post above is only part of what he said. In response I sent the following to him in an Email:
Name: Wing
Comments: Yes, I understand that it may have been this way for years. And it sure makes sense that you do it that way for "a reason." I'd be surprised if it was done that way for "no reason," and that you would also resist improving it for the same arbitrary "no reason."
But is this kind of ultra-conservative approach - "That's the way we've always done it, so that's the way we have to always keep doing it" - always the best justification for doing something? Or do you keep things the way they are because you actually prefer having that negative, cynical argument against causality as the default, because it most reflects your own thoughts? And is that the best way to promote fair discussion?
Of course, it's your discussion board and you're the moderators, so you can do things the way you choose. But I did notice, and you probably did too, that in 4 years you've only had 15 entries.
My response via Email, but I will Post it here and refer him to here if he actually has a reply which I'm sure he does. rolleyes
Some people just want to give their aggressive opinions on things because they are zealot about one instance or issue, that is fine, but my main point about it is that the writer is not even a Member and yet he is unhappy that we won't change the entire site just for him. Could you imagine the workload of doing something like that? I will have to basically rewrite whole policies just because a Guest who thinks we are ultra conservative does not get his way. What is more... You give them an alternative where they can click on the "Latest Post" link to be taken to what they are looking for but it is not satisfactory. I feel the main reason is based on a part of the Email I did not Post here where the Guest (Wing) said he did not like seeing the face of a certain User when he opened the Thread *Twilight Music Plays* :spock:
It is sad to see that some people just do not understand that the world does not rotate around them and at their whim. I understand that trying to please one person over a vast majority would be utterly hard let alone if you did jump through those hoops would it actually satisfy him/her or just please them for a few nanoseconds?
That's right, they will not be satisfied because they will see something else that does not meet their 'standard' and then complain about it.
I actually get a lot of Emails from Guests (they are our biggest participator here). The Joe Public replies that are often way beyond civility are just deleted because you won't believe the things emotionally or unstable people try to say to other Posters here.