What Kind Of Pbb Forum Rpg Would I Run?

What Kind Pbb Forum Rpg Run - Board, Card, RPG Reviews - Posted: 29th Jan, 2010 - 12:17am

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6th Jan, 2010 - 4:02am / Post ID: #

What Kind Of Pbb Forum Rpg Would I Run?

I've split this off from my Wushu thread, as this doesn't really concern the Wushu system itself, but running a game here.

If you've been reading my Wushu thread of late, I've been discussing with Pundit the possibility of me running a PbP forum RPG. Overall, as far as me running a forum game, it's still pretty much:

1) modern action movie in Hong Kong w/ mystical elements
2) modern Survivor-type starting bit w/ "horror" elements
3) 1920's horror investigation of an island estate
4) any of various fantasy-themed adventures and/or "sandboxes"
5) modern intro superhero adventure set in Freedom City

I've ran 1 a number of times on and offline, to good response. I've run 2 once online to slightly above average response, with the players liking the ability to make in-depth character posts as part of the story, but that seems to be the routine here so that might not speak for much. I've run 3 twice, tabletop, to solid engagement in the story and play, but no particularly extraordinary response. I've run a number of 4-type fantasy games on and offline, to varying results and enjoyment, depending on the adventure, my incentive, and the players - fantasy seems to be generally a "standard" choice, if having a tendency to be unremarkable for a lot of people. I have never run more than a few minutes of a 5, and have only played in part of one session and only made a couple characters for one, using a very complicated system.

So would anyone be interested in me running one/you playing in another one, either now during KN's or after, and if so, which style, above? And more humor or more serious and gritty, or very cinematic and heroic, etc.? Thanks for your interest.

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26th Jan, 2010 - 2:39am / Post ID: #

Run Would Rpg Forum Pbb Kind What

How come everyone has a GM buzz now?

I guess only #5 or #2 will interest me. The others are already here especially #4.

26th Jan, 2010 - 3:25am / Post ID: #

What Kind Of Pbb Forum Rpg Would I Run? Reviews RPG & Card Board

Well, mine was weeks back, and somewhat at the urging of /someone/ else, I had mentioned my martial arts one and though didn't get any interest in that, the idea of a superhero game was suggested.

Lest anyone lose all hope, I actually have been compiling some different ideas and powers and been trying to figure out how to simplify and streamline something like that, and find a suitable scenario, for if/when I do run it, as that really does seem to be something out of the ordinary around here, at least recently. Though I've never run a superhero game before, it shouldn't be too terribly different, except the characters have more typical obstacle-breaking abilities that would perplex "normal adventurers".

As I predicted, the main challenge is the powers - I have gone through about half a dozen different superhero game PDFs I have, ripping powers out of each one, for a master powers list, and different concepts for how they're used, and general game mechanics, from complex to basic, to downright "lite". One is point buy for each power and its various features, and at the other end of the spectrum is player-defined, and the GM just decides on "costs" based on how likely the power is to be used, and how much impact it will have, and what drawbacks, limitations or requirements it has - a LOT of "GM Fiat", or me assigning values based on what I think, rather than any standardized format. It's really the aspects of the powers that is the sticking point: area of effect, duration, effect, range, activation, source, etc.

In a way, a superhero game will be somewhat easier and faster than a typical fantasy adventure, as it is most definitely more cinematic and high-intensity usually - you never see superheroes try to pool money to buy a sword or squabble over who has the rope - they're too busy punching through solid brick walls or flying at supersonic speeds to save a crashing jet.

26th Jan, 2010 - 4:01am / Post ID: #

Run Would Rpg Forum Pbb Kind What

You've been doing some research. I saw where JB was asking for someone to take over with the superhero RP, is that what you were researching for or something for member wars?

26th Jan, 2010 - 2:02pm / Post ID: #

Run Would Rpg Forum Pbb Kind What

I was looking into the Superhero RPG here on ID, but after a brief discussion with JB on what getting that system up and running and active entails, and all the pre-programmed stuff and the system it uses, I was feeling like it wasn't what I wanted, and JB said he'd only dig back through it if I was definitely serious and would dedicate regular time to running it, etc. - which, while I hope to be active and run games timely and entertainingly, don't get me wrong, I feel like that was a very good requirement that he posted, so I would grasp the full gravity of the situation and responsibility, and realize that using that was way, way beyond my style or temperament.

I would run a game in the Member Wars board, probably have a few threads for different aspects, like the others, nothing special or grandiose or complex, on the forum side of things, nothing JB needs to work on any special features for - just a play by post game using what forum options are already there, and one which I'd hope people enjoy and I'd be able to run well.

Like I said, at present I'm looking at powers and the thing is, you have to think about them modularly, they have a main effect or result, such as damage, healing, armor, flight, etc. And then they have all the properties and elements that make them different, such as range, duration, target, area of effect, source, accessibility, "energy cost" (still not sure I'm going this route), activation, preparation, "casting time", etc. It's taking a bit of plugging through.

26th Jan, 2010 - 6:20pm / Post ID: #

What Kind Of Pbb Forum Rpg Would I Run?

You're well advised to take your time in approaching any serious game system no matter if its forum based, table top or even game system. There is so much to it than just "OK guys let's roll dice and have fun". Consideration should be given to your market, age, maturity, genre and a whole buch of things even if you want simple. Maybe if its too simple it won't be challenging enough therefore not fun for those you're inviting.

Reconcile Edited: RPG Expert on 26th Jan, 2010 - 6:23pm

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
27th Jan, 2010 - 8:02am / Post ID: #

What Kind Pbb Forum Rpg Would Run

Well, my guess is it should be at least a few people from the MW: AD&D game I'm playing in now (all of whom seem to be well spoken and thoughtful and experienced in RPGs), and possibly new ones that happen to stumble across the superhero one, but I totally agree both ways, as some of the feedback I've gotten back here indicated there may be such a thing as "too rules lite" even for a forum game, where they players don't feel like there is quite enough "game" present, or the stats or dice are nearly meaningless if they only encompass a very low range, or things like that. I'm still puzzling over that one and the Wushu system I've used to run forum RPGs elsewhere to satisfied players.

I personally find it extremely hard to understand how people can run forum games with any significant amount of rules and records keeping, required player dice rolling and such, a lot of it seems like it bogs things down so much, takes so much time if you actually resolved it like the rule books says. Something in between is probably my best bet, which while I do have a TON of RPG pdfs, I'm not sure which direction to look, as I have so many I have option overload. But currently, for the Superhero one, I'm thinking about borrowing heavily from the free RPG Super Crusaders, which, ironically, seems to have a very subtle Christian theme in amongst the superpowers.

The main thing I have issue with is that most superhero games use the same template - to use a power, you have to "activate" it, which can take more than one turn (casting spells), or can be "always on" (armor), either way, activating and maintaining it "costs" END or CON or some other stat, which I feel may be a bit much for players or GM to keep track of, how much "energy" is left in each character's pool, til they get fatigued - I'm thinking of some other way to emulate this without necessitating recordkeeping like that. Other than that, the rest is more or less intuitive and could be part of any game system for any genre.

Post Date: 29th Jan, 2010 - 12:17am / Post ID: #

What Kind Pbb Forum Rpg Would Run Board Card & RPG Reviews

Name: Bashman

Comments: If you are looking for a rules-lite superheroes RPG without having to track energy, you may be interested in Basic Action Super Heroes: Ultimate Edition. There are a lot of reviews, a couple podcast interviews, and a preview you can see. [..]

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